A couple who lost their baby were cured by a starling

By Helene - 27 August 2021

Melissa McCarthy and Chris O 'Dowd star in saint Vincent, Hidden Figures, and Theodore Melfi directs Starling. Instead of a rowdy comedy, Melissa plays a tragic character.

Starling is a tragicomedy story about a couple whose relationship is strained by tragedy, and from the looks of the trailer, the loss of their newborn child. Lily Maynard (Melissa McCarthy) stays home with her husband (Chris O 'Dowd) as he goes through rehab and deals with his grief.

Her husband built a beautiful garden for her in the backyard, but she found herself attacked by a large starling nesting nearby. She went to a veterinarian to find out if there was a humane way to get rid of the bird. But the vet was actually a former psychiatrist who made animals for humans, and he put his mark on them.
