Choose life, don't live a life that is just talking

By Karen - 09 August 2021

From the mountainous area of the Pyrenees on the border of Spain and France as the starting point, to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela as the end, there is a path that stretches for 800 kilometers, crossing countless border towns, barren fields, rugged hillsides, and only the countryside. The upper and lower berths of the hotel may encounter storms from time to time, and hot showers are rare.

For hundreds of years, countless people have chosen to embark on this pilgrimage road alone. Are they all devout Christians? Did it come to witness miracles? I don't believe in those beliefs about salvation. It is said that many people who have embarked on the pilgrimage road actually see their reason for losing weight. Probably this kind of reason is only used to tease those faithful believers, because there is only one reason that can make people make up their minds to escape from life and embark on an unfamiliar journey: there are always some unspeakable sufferings. As for whether the suffering is loneliness, escape, fate or repentance, they may not even be able to distinguish clearly, so they have to make a desperate move and choose a path that they have never thought of before, in order to find the answer to redeem themselves.

A friend who had neglected sports for a long time suddenly decided that she wanted to climb the snow mountain. Under the bewilderment of everyone, I also participated in the registration.

Anyone who meets Snow Mountain for the first time will be excited. It is a church built by nature, and the snow-capped mountain peak is like the spire of a Gothic church, straight to the sky, like a dwelling of gods.

After reaching the snow line, city people can immediately feel a kind of natural contempt. It turns out that human beings are nothing but small. The plateau, glaciers, and sunshine make your breath and footsteps heavier and heavier. You have no turning back. There is no turning back, you can only walk forward step by step, even if it takes a few hours to travel a distance of 100 meters. At such a moment, apart from breathing and walking, there will be no other thoughts in your mind. You have forgotten all the worldly thoughts, and there is only one thought: that is to reach your destination. Because no one will accompany you halfway through a dangerous snowy night.

Without cell phone signal, there will be no harassment of anything in the world. Walking out of the tent in the middle of the night, I saw the dense stars in the sky, the sky and the earth were quiet, and the snow fell silent.

In this situation, I don't know how many people are deeply poisoned. Who knows why they rely on that kind of silence and escape from the city? No one will take the initiative to talk about it, and no one will take the initiative to ask. Only the closest friend knows that if it were not for a heart that is not well-living, who would seek comfort from pain, like that kind of hollow tree, which looks lush and leafy, but has lost part of it. Heart.

What is the problem with the pilgrimage road? What is the answer? In the movie "The Way", the elderly father who lost his son went through the whole journey for his son, and finally he got a certificate of completion, and solemnly asked the clerk to write his son's name on it. Is it over like this? No, he went on walking again, walked to the cape, and sprinkled the last ashes into the sea. Finally, relieved. Let that sadness drown in the sea. Let all those regrets drift away with the sea breeze.

Christianity says that people are born guilty, so all that should be done in this life is to atone for sins in order to gain access to heaven. The Buddha believed that human nature is born to be good, and all that should be done in this life is to accumulate good thoughts, so as to avoid falling into the devil's way through reincarnation.

It doesn't matter whether it is sin or good. As the question and the answer are ultimately no longer important. No one answer can save lives. All we can do is walk on the road, and then forgive ourselves for our mistakes, and then find a way to get along with ourselves better.

Because this way, there is no turning back. You can only summon the courage to go on, to the day when you can finally no longer care about the questions and answers.