Five good movies take you to experience the joy of life

By Chilimovie - 23 July 2021

1. Hope-The Shawshank Redemption

Andy sits on the balcony of Shawshank Prison, drinking beer he won from prison guards with his inmates. His heart is free.

2. Freedom-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

McMurphy desperately tried to shake the sink embedded in the concrete floor, but failed. After his brain was cut, the awakened chief shook the sink and smashed the window to successfully fly over.

3. Courage-High Noon

The sheriff faced three criminals alone in an empty and helpless town. Why did Gary Cooper go and come back? Why did no one help Gary Cooper in the end?

4. Love-Roman Holiday

The classic love sketch that never fades, the forever young, beautiful and noble princess; the silent ending is a promise about love.

5. Youth-Nomad KK

Xia Wenxi wore a Kabuki costume, while Leslie Cheung was inhaling the popular Japanese "electric oil" (having a psychedelic effect) at the time. Once the fiery youth burns out, the emptiness of youth is only one step away from death.