Life in a Day--A Day Belongs to Everyone

By Karen - 29 July 2021

Briefly introduce the background of this documentary. This is a documentary filmed by netizens around the world. On July 24, 2010, a total of more than 80,000 films with a total of 4,500 hours were collected through youtube. Then edited by a professional team to form a unique documentary.


This is a unique documentary. There is no protagonist, no plot in a broad sense, no use of the lens, and no ingenuity of the screenwriter. Because this film was shot by netizens from different parts of the world, everyone is a photographer. The director team just collects these 4,500 hours of footage, sorts and screens them, edits and scores the music, and composes the day that belongs to everyone. As you can imagine, this is really a huge project.

What's interesting is that in the introduction on Douban, the leading role: only one word is written: you. Yes, you are the lead actor in this film. On July 24, 2010, you were the same as everyone in the world. Even though you did not appear in the video, you were in this world with everyone, starring yourself as the most Unique role.


The whole film is like a colorful kaleidoscope, the seemingly simple daily life of ordinary people, under the director's careful editing and soundtrack, reflects the lives, hobbies and fears of people in all corners of the world. The film has a huge amount of information, and it may be indescribable to use words such as diversified, colorful, colorful, and dazzling, but at the same time, these are all things that really happen in this world.


The people in the film come from different countries, some have different skin colors, speak different languages, have different cultures, and believe in different religions; they love different things, fear different things, and have different things in their pockets; some people have different things in their pockets. Sad, some are happy; some are poor, some are rich, some are riding around the world, some are waiting for their husbands at home, some are recovering from a serious illness, some have given birth to a new life, some are married, some are trampled to death in a parade, some just live the ordinary One day... However, the same thing is that all the stories of everyone happened on the same day, on the same earth.


Maybe you don't remember what you did on July 24, 2010, and for most people, it must have been a bland day, and nothing happened that can make you unforgettable. Yes, it's that day, and it just passed, as the girl at the end of the film said, although that day is Saturday, she still has to work. She expects something worth recording will happen on this day, but unfortunately there is no , She just spent a day that was too ordinary to be more ordinary, she had to pick up the camera at the last moment of the day, and said her helplessness and loneliness. But she definitely didn't expect the director to choose this section of her as the last section of the film. For her, it must be a surprise. Yes, she left the mark of inadvertently existed, just to prove that she existed on this day.


Perhaps the greatest feeling this movie gives people is a sense of existence, a beautiful and simple sense of existence, and the whole movie conveys a positive force. No matter where you are, no matter what kind of culture, rich or poor, fraternity or prejudice, you, like everyone else, live in this world together, exist in greatness or insignificance, play your own role, live in On this day, live every day.