Only free people dance

By Helene - 02 August 2021

I haven't been this excited about a movie in a long, long time. Jojo Rabbit makes me laugh and cry. When I walked out of the movie theater, my footsteps seemed to be dancing. My friend and I wanted to talk about the story we had just watched, but we laughed at each other and couldn't speak.

I've seen a lot of good movies this year, some really, really good ones, but none that excited me like this.

This story tells people so true, evil and justice, dark bright, thorns smooth, rounded edges, all these, the whole world, are not "different", the former and the latter are one, the integration of hateful and lovely.

It also talks about love, most of all love. It shows the power of love to you most vividly - love makes people keep their humanity in despair, love makes people taste sweet in the most painful moments, love makes people dance in a dance outside of guns and blood.

JoJo's mother said that only free people dance.

JoJo's mother said that one day, you will meet someone special -- she will teach you love.

Then love will teach you the universe, the stars, the hearts, and everything.

"Find a lover, make him suffer. And trust without fear."

A mother who knows what love is, makes two innocent souls stand on the side of "beautiful" forever.

Choice is power, and she gave them the power to choose to be human.

So finally Jojo asks the Jewish girl, "What's the first thing you're going to do when you're free?" "Subconsciously, I knew the answer even faster than the girl on the screen.


Because only free people dance.