Stand By Me: Simple and brilliant

By Karen - 04 August 2021

The first time I watched "Stand By Me" was in school. Thinking about it now, the school can actually find such a simple film, which is a lot simpler than "Italian Job" and "Pirates Of Caribbean". After watching it, I liked it very much, and it simply became one of my favorite movies. The friendship, personalities, and different experiences of the four boys. An adventurous journey to find dead bodies. There are no special effects in the film, nor too much sensationalism. Everything is flat and straightforward, simple and clean, but it always makes people feel neat and unfinished.

  This is the third time I have watched "Stand By Me". I found the DVD version on the Internet earlier, and I thought it was pretty good, so I mailed it over. After being kept at home for another two months, I finally decided to take it out and watch it again. In fact, I was quite hesitant before watching it. After all, the "Les Choristes" and "Friends" I watched in the past few months are all very good movies. The requirements for the concept of the movie seem to be much higher than before, so I think maybe not to watch it. It would be a better choice to stay quietly in memory like this. But in the end I watched it. One is to pass the time, and I really want to re-experience the mood at that time, even if I risk that mood is ruined.

  After reading it, I still have no regrets. The experience of the four boys is still moving. Four children with very different personalities. One was discriminated against because his father was sent to a mental hospital. One because of the bad reputation of the family era bears the prejudice of everyone. One was indifferent by his father because of the accidental death of an excellent brother. One is a little fat man who is as timid as a mouse but can't contain his inner impulse. The four men embarked on a journey to find dead bodies in order to be "heroes".

  The journey is only second. Everyone's character was fully reflected in the journey. The weakness and strength of the four boys' personalities were amplified to the utmost extent in a series of actions such as flashing the train, turning over the iron gate, and crossing the forest. Everyone has everybody's mind, everybody has everybody's unattainable dreams. This may be a group of precocious children, but it is also a group of forever young children. They speak swear words without care, discuss the future, and taunt each other's parents, but they are obliged to take care of each other, comfort each other, and give each other warmth. Such friendship is often the most sincere and pure.

  Speaking of this, it seems that it can be extended a bit. In fact, the motivation of the four children looking for corpses to become heroes is more or less saturated with their dissatisfaction with the status quo in life. In that small village where the family is in the society, they are a forgotten group. They do not have the care of the family, the care of adults, and they will be misunderstood even if they do the right thing. So they recklessly smoked, played cards, sang along the railroad tracks and left happily. And the purpose of this departure is actually to wake up others to pay attention to them. Perhaps what they care about is not just the so-called radio and television exposure, not the praise of the police, but the recognition of them by others, especially their families. This way they don't have to listen to their father saying that you can't make better friends, and they don't have to be in a dream and feel that they deserve to die. They are ignorant and even naive towards this society, so they have always been helpless. In such a journey, they may finally discover that they actually have such good and so good friends. So in the end they did not bring the body back to the town, but called the police anonymously. This choice makes them feel right and good, because they understand that there are many people who support themselves and value themselves.

  Suddenly I thought of a sentence I had read before, and I still felt very reasonable.

  In fact, to live in this world is for one or a few people. If what you do is meaningful to these people, then it will be meaningful to everyone. And if what you do has no meaning to these people, then it really has no meaning at all.

  A woman is a person who pleases herself. It means something like this.

  This kind of mutual affection is always touching. The friends I made when I was young may be able to stay with each other for a lifetime. Even if there are many changes in life, even if you can't meet, in fact, remembering such a person in your heart is enough.

  Because in fact, in this kind of life, how many people can always stand by your side.

  I really like the last paragraph of the film.

  "Although I have not seen him in more than 10 years. I know I'll miss him.

  I haven't had friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve.

  Jesus, does anyone?"

  last question. Just ask yourself.