The Terminal: Life is waiting

By Karen - 03 August 2021

A Viktor from the smallest country in Eastern Europe went to the United States to help his father fulfill a long-cherished wish. From the time the plane took off to landing at Kennedy Airport, a coup took place in his country, and Viktor suddenly became a stateless person, unable to enter or leave the country; even though New York and the United States are just a few meters away, He still can only wait in the waiting hall until his identity is clear.

9 months flies by.

During these nine months of waiting, Viktor did not waste any time; he built a home for himself at gate 67 to be rebuilt; relying on his wisdom, he helped a Russian who bought medicine to save his father. A marriage, a romantic encounter, and conquered a group of people who originally took him as a joke; when he left, this Eastern European, who was initially speechless, had moved the entire airport.

The 138-minute film, except for the last few minutes, is almost condensed in a very limited small space-the Kennedy Airport terminal. In this limited space, people of all kinds extend time; they are doing different jobs, but they are doing the same thing---waiting:

Frank, the customs chief who tossed Viktor, waited for the old chief to resign, and waited for 17 years;

Gupta, wanted for committing a crime in India, fled and worked as a cleaner at the airport for 23 years, and he might not realize that he was waiting.

The beautiful stewardess Amelia, from 18 to 39, is waiting for a man's promise; she always stays in a hotel, so that when the man's BP sounds, she can pack and get up at any time.

Enrique, who drove the dining car, waited for an opportunity to approach the girl she had a crush on;

Viktor’s father spent 40 years collecting 56 signatures from 57 jazz masters. He was under Jiuquan, waiting for his son to help him get the last signature.

Even the people of all colors in the background in the airport lobby are all waiting....

Not every waiting will result in a quick result. For example, for those who are waiting for customs clearance, this waiting only takes 1 minute;

Not every waiting will have a beautiful ending, just like An who embraces a beautiful woman;

Even with every beautiful ending, there may not necessarily be a beautiful process, just like Viktor.

Spielberg said, each of us is like Viktor. In this variable life, maybe at a certain moment will be lost, and then look for and wait; and Tom Hanks said, "Viktor finally understands that this world is not his own The way forward; in it, you can only earn a good life for yourself."

I don’t know if writer Andrew Niccol was thinking of a man named Viktor E Frankl when he wrote this little character. This survivor who has experienced the hardships of Nazi concentration camps said, "In any given environment, people have one final freedom, which is to choose their own attitude." Viktor in the film is not a psychologist or a success scientist. , He just showed us how to be happy and save our lives in such an environment where there is no choice, in his simple smile, in the hilarious English, and a series of small things that make us laugh. Kindness, how to work hard to make yourself one step closer to the result. The deep meaning in the process is similar to Viktor Frankl's expression.

The film, directed by Spielberg, starring Tom Hanks and Catherine Zeta Jones, is said to have been unsatisfactory at the box office. To be honest, this film does have a lot of loopholes, and the ending is somewhat superfluous; however, the combination of these three people makes this seemingly cliché film infinitely vivid, and even the humble little characters are also portrayed. It has a distinct personality and is unforgettable. Even if this is not the blockbuster that you are familiar with, you can still see the clear brand of St. James---innocent and even full of childlike imagination and high-profile promotion of human nature.