Two generations of Oscar actresses co-starring Disney's Cruella

By Chilimovie - 01 July 2021

Cruella, played by Emma Stone, is a classic villain in "101 Faithful Dogs", and in this film, just like the queen played by Angelina Jolie, it is an unhingable existence, that face When I appeared on the screen, I felt that I could forgive her for whatever she did.

And another Emma, Emma Thompson, although the beauty is late, but the role is absolutely familiar, and the double Emma + double shadow queen is also the focus of the film’s promotion in North America. Since its release, Rotten Tomatoes has also given it to The freshness is 74, and the popcorn index is 97 such a relatively high score.


In my opinion, this movie is quite ordinary. Although the fresh set of characters can attract a moment's attention, the plot that can be seen to the end at a glance is really unfavorable.

This is an origin story that tells how wicked people become wicked: miserable childhood, unfortunate experience, and a sudden reversal of life. All the stories that happen are expected.

I originally thought that I could see a dystopian fantasy story, but what I saw was still "bad guys get bad results." The difference is that the screenwriter is almost tricky and put the innocent heroine with the name of a wicked person-Cruella .