Ocean's Thirteen

2007 "What are the odds of getting even? 13 to one."
6.9| 2h2m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 07 June 2007 Released
Producted By: Village Roadshow Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: http://oceans13.warnerbros.com/

Danny Ocean's team of criminals are back and composing a plan more personal than ever. When ruthless casino owner Willy Bank doublecrosses Reuben Tishkoff, causing a heart attack, Danny Ocean vows that he and his team will do anything to bring down Willy Bank along with everything he's got. Even if it means asking for help from an enemy.


Thriller, Crime

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Steven Soderbergh

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Village Roadshow Pictures

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Ocean's Thirteen Audience Reviews

Organnall Too much about the plot just didn't add up, the writing was bad, some of the scenes were cringey and awkward,
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
generationofswine Come on, be honest, you wanted Pacino to win didn't you? I mean, Brad Pitt is good when he's not doing the fluff action movie thing. He can act when he really wants to. Matt Damon is the same, when he wants to act he can act and when he wants a paycheck he does a boring action film. George Clooney is cool, he does some mad roles......but, I mean, they are up against Al Pacino. It's hard to hold your own against them man.Other than that it is leagues better than the second film and still not as good as the first.The first had some real heart, the third had some great jokes, but you got the feeling that they were grasping at straws. A heist film with that much going on is hard to pull off more than once.But the effort was here and it was a good job. They did a good fight, they just couldn't pull it off a second time, let alone a third.I'll give you a hint. Don't try to justify it and make them the good guys, they are thieves, so long as they are lovable they don't have to be righteous.
Floated2 Ocean's Thirteen is is the third film in the Ocean's franchise, and appears to be better than it's predecessor. The film includes what audiences enjoy, where the crew rob from the rich and donate to charity.Similar as the other film's in this series, Clooney and Pitt merely walk through the movie without ever being forced to really act. They simply smile and pose. The film is done cleverly and the heist towards the end is well executed and thoughtfully entertaining. There is no nudity or vulgar language. Despite the location and these guy's profession, none of them are womanizers. And towards the end, there is even a scene in this movie where Pitt and Clooney get teary-eyed while watching Oprah (who also makes a cameo).
Anssi Vartiainen The first Ocean's Eleven (the remake, not the Rat Pack version) is a classic heist film. Good team, excellent plot, clever twists, action, excitement, the whole nine yards. Ocean's Twelve, the sequel, is a convoluted mess that is best left forgotten. Ocean's Thirteen, the movie in question, falls somewhere in between. It's a huge leap forward in quality when compared to its immediate predecessor, but it doesn't quite reach the novelty and sheer fun that the first had in spades.We return to Las Vegas as Reuben (Elliott Gould) has fallen to some hard times, being cheated on a casino deal by heinous Willy Bank (Al Pacino) and now it's up to Danny Ocean (George Clooney) and his crew to settle the score. It's a workable plot, though a touch too similar to the first movie to really impress with its originality. The movies look too similar for you to be able to appreciate it fully, and even the twists are somewhat predictable because of this.And while the acting is generally very good, I don't really buy Pacino as an effective villain in a heist movie. The man can certainly play a villain, no doubt about it, but he doesn't quite hit the right notes here. Especially when the movie also contains Andy Garcia, the slimy ball of haughtiness from the first film. I also have to note that none of the characters have evolved at all. They're still the same old rogues they were in the first film, and while I don't expect a lot of character development in a cheerful heist film series, I'd appreciate if there was a little bit of it.All that being said, I do think it's an enjoyable film. The heist itself is a lot of fun, the characters are still delightfully quirky and it seems like the film crew had a lot of fun.
Rickting After the disaster of Ocean's 12 there was only one way: up. Therefore, Ocean's 13 inevitably improves although it's not surprising Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta Jones dropped out. The ridiculously likable crew are back, getting revenge on a businessman (Al Pacino) who conned their friend. It relocates the action back to Vegas, where it belongs, and this time they were polite enough to actually include a heist. Concluding the trilogy in better than expected fashion, O13 restores the trilogy to glamorous, slick, stylish glory and still shines brighter than the majority of the lights on the strip. It doesn't measure up the original. Don Cheadle is as jarring as ever and there are some irritating jokes and the heist sometimes feels lost in the comedy. It can be overly confusing and it's sometimes difficult to understand where the plot is going. These various flaws don't stop it from being a solid 4 star crime flick.The characters are still entertaining and likable. This time, Brad Pitt and George Clooney are actually likable and aren't just smug. Matt Damon is still bland though. It's well directed by Steven Soderbergh and has another fine musical score. There's also a sense of finality and it wraps up the trilogy very well. It's not as surreally enjoyable as the first one, but it's humorous, slick and offers plenty of the escapist fun that the first did. It doesn't suffer from the laws of diminishing returns and does the formula of the first one without adding to it but also without copying it and doing a turd on it. This isn't the strongest or bravest second sequel out there but it deserves a lot of respect for being entertaining and learning from the mistakes of the awful Ocean's 12. Nothing memorable or daring, but O13 provides plenty of stylish and sub zero cool heist based fun. At least there's a proper heist set piece.8/10