Rocky III

1982 "The greatest challenge"
6.8| 1h39m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 28 May 1982 Released
Producted By: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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After an intense fight with Clubber Lang and the death of his trainer Mickey, Rocky Balboa is left devastated. Former rival Apollo Creed steps in to help Balboa get back his fighting spirit.



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Sylvester Stallone

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Rocky III Audience Reviews

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
merelyaninnuendo Rocky IIIThere is a sense of wanting more for the character but at this point it seems obvious that they are stretching their way down the road where box office is given more importance than quality of it. Rocky III is flat out predictable and a typical sport movie filled with cliched action sequences to complete the run time of the movie. Sylvester Stallone seems to be working hard on it since being aware of the platform he has got and gets a good supporting cast on screen. Rocky III is of course made for the audience with more action sequences and fan boy moments but looses the touch of originality and the soul of it.
davidtkd-25249 Rocky III (1982) is an American sports drama film starring Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Carl Weathers, Burgess Meredith, and Mr. T. The film was written by and directed by Sylvester Stallone.The film starts with the classic "ROCKY III" side-scrolling intro , this time with The Ring Heavyweight Championship Title Belt in the background instead of a black background that was used in ROCKY (1976) and ROCKY II (1979). The film has a flashback of what happened from the previous installment, ROCKY II. We see the rematch between Rocky Balboa (The Challenger) and World Heavyweight Champion Apollo Creed. Both of the men after 14 rounds of intense fighting collapse to the ground. If Creed makes it back up, he retains the title. If Rocky makes it up, he is the new Heavyweight Champion of the World. If neither make it up, it is a draw and Creed automatically retains the title. Rocky makes it up while Apollo collapses. Rocky shocks the world and is crowned the NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. He throws the title over his shoulder and gives Mickey a hug in the final scene. After the flashback/intro, we are introduced to the beginning of ROCKY III. After winning the World Heavyweight Championship from Apollo Creed, Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) enjoys the rich life. He has had 10 title defenses and has won each and every won of them. He is currently on top of the world. He and his wife, Adrian (Talia Shire) are living very prosperous and have nothing to worry about. Rocky has now made millions of dollars and millions of fans across the world. Rocky goes to a press conference where he is awarded a statue of himself placed at the top of the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Adrian and Rocky's trainer, Mickey Goldmill (Burgess Meredith) are with him as well. This is where Rocky announces his retirement. That is, until the #1 Ranked Heavyweight Contender - James "Clubber" Lang (Mr. T.) challenges him to a Championship bout. Rocky accepts the offer. Mickey is hesitant at first but Rocky convinces him to train him. Rocky, filled with the fans and money, becomes over confident with this fight. Mickey, however, wants him and Rocky to go back to the old gym and make Rocky train hard. Rocky declines. Eventually, the fight takes place. Mickey has a heart attack and is in critical condition. Rocky hesitates to go out and fight because of Mickey's health. He asks Adrian what to do. Mickey yells at him and tells him to go out and fight using a passionate tone. Rocky, taking Mickey's advice, goes out and fights Clubber. Rocky, undetermined and under confident from Mickey's heart problem, gets KO'd by Clubber Lang in the 2nd Round and loses the title. CLUBBER LANG is the NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. After the fight, Rocky rushes to Mickey's side and talks to him. Mickey expresses his admiration and respect for Rocky before slowly fading away. Mickey dies on the spot. Shortly after Mickey's death, Rocky and Adrian have a funeral for Mickey. The funeral is very short and very private. After the funeral, Rocky drives on his motorcycle through Philadelphia. He visits the "ROCKY" statue mentioned earlier in the film and he throws his helmet at the statue out of anger as to what has happened. He goes and visits "Mighty Mick's Boxing" Gym, which was were Rocky trained with Mickey before he died. He reminisces his past days. Former World Heavyweight Champion Apollo Creed (Carl Weathers) talks to Rocky and offers to train him for a rematch with Clubber Lang. Rocky accepts. Rocky, Adrian, Apollo, and Paulie (Rocky's friend; Adrian's brother) (Burt Young) go to California. Apollo trains Rocky there at Tough Gym where Apollo started training as a boxer. Rocky starts training like a bum afraid of the fight and having little confidence in himself. Apollo and Adrian encourage him to fight with full 100% heart, but for himself. Not over Mickey's death, not for the money or fans, and not for the title. Rocky then puts 100% into his training. We are shown a training montage with Creed training Rocky and Creed running with Rocky across the beach. The rematch takes place at Madison Square Garden. Apollo wants Rocky to wear his "American" (Red, White, and Blue) trunks that Creed wore in the original fight with Rocky Balboa from the original ROCKY (1976). Rocky agrees and Apollo mentions a favor that Rocky owes him after the fight is over. Rocky and Clubber head into the ring with their crew at ringside. The fight begins. Rocky and Clubber go head to head. Rocky then uses his stamina and lets the champ beat him up really hard. Rocky waits until Clubber is tired and then goes in with the punches. Rocky KO'S Clubber Lang in the 3rd Round. Rocky exhausted from the match, joins with Adrian, Paulie, and Creed. Rocky Balboa is for a second time crowned the NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. Rocky joins Creed in the gym for a fight behind closed doors with no press or media. Just a fair fight. Rocky and Apollo go in with punches and the film ends with Rocky and Creed fighting. It is unknown who wins the fight. End Credits. "Rocky III" was made on a budget of $17,000,000. The film grossed $270,000,000, making it the 2nd most successful film financially in the entire series.Sylvester Stallone returned to direct ROCKY III (1982), after previously directing ROCKY II (1979). He directed the film due to John G. Avildsen (the director of the original ROCKY) rejecting. John G. Avildsen rejected to direct the film because he deeply wanted Stallone to direct the film after the massive success of ROCKY II.The movie's hit song, Survivor - "Eye of the Tiger" topped the charts and was nominated an Academy Award for Best Original Song. This song is still referenced and used to this day. ROCKY III (1982) is a very interesting sequel as it is much different from its predecessors. While not as good as ROCKY and ROCKY II, ROCKY III is still a classic and one of the best in the ROCKY franchise. Highly recommended. 9/10.
gridoon2018 If awards were given for entertaining surface and not artistic depth, then surely Mr.T would win many for his awesomely over-the-top performance here ("Don't turn your back on me, sucka!"). And his punches (especially in the first match) look like they have the force of one ton each. Stallone's script is thoroughly predictable and by-the-numbers, but his direction is energized and he keeps the film going at a relentless pace. In some ways, from Hulk Hogan in a redundant but fun sequence to the all-time-classic "Eye Of The Tiger", "Rocky III" is one of the quintessential 1980s films. And the slow-motion bouncing and hugging at the beach between Stallone and Weathers belongs in the annals of camp! **1/2 out of 4.
zkonedog After conquering Apollo Creed and winning the title in the previous film, in this installment Rocky Balboa must face his toughest opponent yet...himself.For a basic plot summary, "Rocky III" continues the inspiring story of pugilist Balboa (Sylvester Stallone). After defending his title numerous times against hand-picked opponents, Rocky seems to have lost that "eye of the tiger" he had in the two Creed fights. At the same time, #1 contender Clubber Lang (Mr. T) is hungry for a shot at the strap (training vigorously while Rocky films commercials). This causes dissension in the Balboa ranks, with trainer Mickey (Burgess Meredith) and wife Adrian (Talia Shire) trying to protect Rocky for different reasons.The redeeming portion of this screenplay is the continued character growth of Rocky. For whatever reason (as Sly Stallone had proved himself completely incompetent as a director up to that point), Sly just "gets" Rocky and knows how to smartly advance the character.The problem is that whereas the first two Rocky films use the fight scenes to cap off the drama, this time the drama is few and far between due to the bloated ring time. Nearly half the movie is spent "in the ring", and considering the fakey fight scenes, that is not a good thing. Likely because Rocky II was roundly criticized for being too slow to develop, this time the action is fast and furious, though not to the benefit of the overall experience.Another thing that hurts this series is the terrible casting decisions that is Mr. T. He turns in easily the worst performance of the entire six-film series, and this includes a movie starring Dolph Lundgren. He has no sense of choreography in the boxing scenes, and only issues a series of grunts in the acting department.Thus, while "Rocky III" does enough things right to be watchable, it also does enough tings wrong for me to consider it the worst of the entire franchise.