The Daniel Project

2012 "Only The Wise Will Understand..."
5| 1h25m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 01 January 2012 Released
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The Daniel Project puts ancient predictions under a journalistic microscope and examinates of Biblical prophecies attempts to determine how accurately they've predicted modern events such as terrorism, climate change and armed conflict in the Middle East. If false, the Bible is discredited. If true, there are rough times ahead.



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The Daniel Project Audience Reviews

Bereamic Awesome Movie
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
trevor-64652 Not sure why the raging skeptics are demanding a counter argument. I don't recall anywhere where it's written one must always present a counter argument when presenting ones argument. God knows, the atheists like Dawkins certainly don't share the podium with theists with a counter argument. If you want to hear the counter argument, merely surf the internet or watch mainstream media. They are replete with anti Christian voices. I agree with the criticism that there have always been wars and famines and earthquakes. I believe those prophecies of Jesus refer specifically to the seven year tribulation period when half the earth will be burned up with fire and half the population killed. There are certainly rumblings of war in the Middle East in late 2017 and Iran, Russia and Turkey appear to be assembling for the invasion of Israel predicted by the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 38 and 39. Certainly there have always been people who said they were in the times of the apocalypse for two thousand years of church history, but they willingly ignored that there was not a state of Israel which has always been central. There must be an Israel and a Temple in Jerusalem for prophecy to be fulfilled. The fact that the Jews were scattered across the globe for 2000 years who maintained their identity and were able to return to their ancient homeland when they were completely at the mercy of foreign powers is a moder miracle. The land became desolate just as the Bible predicted. The land of Israel is very fertile so it's significant that it languished under Arab and Turkish stewardship and became desolate. It is only extremely fertile under Jewish ownership. They are also surrounded by hostile powers bent on her destruction just as the Bible predicted and the nations are obsessed with Jerusalem a relatively insignificant city just as the Bible predicted (Zekariah 12). Israel miraculously survived the various Arab assaults in 1948, 67 and 73 when they should have certainly lost at least in 1948. I'll just say it now, if you want something to hang your hat on, Iran, Turkey, Libya and Sudan are going to Marshal forces North of Israel (likely Syria from the way things are playing out) and invade Israel and will probably be lead by Russia (best candidate for Magog in Ezekial) and be destroyed miraculously on the mountains of Israel by earthquake and pestilence and fire will be rained down on some of those nations. When that happens in the near future I'm sure the skeptics will still insist it's a coincidence. Read for yourself and study, there are 16 books of the prophets in the Bible with many details about the time we live in. Like Joel predicted the nations would part the land of Israel. Never before in all history did the Jews experience international pressure to divide the land of Israel.
ynqve Oh dear, where to begin? First of all, if you are looking for an objective analysis of biblical scripture, you need to go elsewhere. This is the vanity project of a self proclaimed bible expert who has this insane theory about how we all live in the end days and he is going to explain why that is. But the problem is that they only discuss the pros and not cons of his arguments. There are no naysayers allowed in the documentary. They make Zeitgeist seem objective and reasonable in comparison. And the arguments! Some are truly beyond stupid. "We live in the end days because there is war and turmoil in the world today!" Well, that's true for the entirety of human history, the only difference is the weapons and the media coverage. "We live in the end days because people are mean to each other and are greedy!" Weren't they always? But my absolute favorite part (where I had to pause and collect myself from laughing) was when they insinuated that Obama is the anti-Christ. Are there any reasonable, sane people who actually think that? Sure, you can criticize Obama, you don't have to like him or his politics, but the guy is clearly not the devil. And as I said before, there is not a single person in the film allowed to speak up against these stupid "facts". And the whole film is framed by a "skeptic" bloke who narrate the documentary, while telling you exactly what to think at each moment. All in all, I came for a laugh and it delivered. Wonderfully stupid!
abiy20 My sister recommended this film to me, and I can truly say it's the best recommendation for a film I have ever received. I can't stop watching the DVD .. It just makes so much sense .. I'm now looking at historic events and can really draw a parallel with current events or 'Modern Studies' with 'Fresh Eyes' and it astonishingly liberating! After a fair amount of research I am now viewing 'The Meaning of Life' from completely different perspective! I ask myself 'Why was I in darkness for so long?' I can understand why many would consider this film controversial, but as they say .. Just because it's controversial does not mean it's not true! Do the research like I did .. you might be amazed at what you will find out.
cccontractors2013 I love the way this film was put together - never a dull moment and certainly thought provoking. Beautifully filmed too. There are more than 20 prophecies discussed which are all due to come true since 14th May 1948. Although it is feature length it is never boring - it looks at a prophecy and then looks to see if it has been fulfilled - or COULD be. It leaves you wondering how these these ancient prophets could possibly have known about modern technology which HAS to be in place for many of these predictions to happen. Quite astonishing if you keep an open mind. There were lots of interesting experts interviewed* - including a brilliant theologian who explained it all clearly, a linguist, financier, archaeologist, cult buster, Middle East political experts and one of the world's top linguistic scholars who works with the ancient texts amongst MANY others - including a quirky guy who started a campaign to try and stop Big Brother surveillance in the UK (no2id). I bought the DVD version of it because my friend saw it on TV and recommended it. *(not sure if the reviewer who gave it one star actually watched it who said "Where are the Biblical scholars, the theologians, the historians, geologists, sociologists, archaeologists, language experts?"???) There were lots of experts in this film!