Rookie Blue


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7.7| TV-14| en| More Info
Released: 24 June 2010 Canceled
Producted By: Shaw Media
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Ambitious young cops try to prove themselves in their high-stakes careers, in which the smallest mistake can have deadly consequences. At the core of the close-knit group is perfectionist Andy McNally, whose father was a homicide detective before he burned out on the job. The series follows Andy and her four colleagues -- Dov Epstein, Gail Peck, Traci Nash and Chris Diaz -- as they experience the trials, triumphs and tribulations of police work, as well as its effect on their personal lives.


Drama, Crime

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Shaw Media

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Rookie Blue Audience Reviews

Harockerce What a beautiful movie!
Ploydsge just watch it!
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Samiam3 At first glance Rookie Blue may seem like a routine police series, but in fact its a soap opera; or rather a soap cop-era.The show features half a dozen twenty-somethings in a Toronto precinct learning the tools of the law enforcement trade one case at a time. The police work for the most part is irrelevant. The focal point for the series is what they do when they are out of uniform.The show does its best to be accurate picture of Toronto, but one inherent problem is that municipal crime in Ontario's capitol is not very TV worthy. Toronto is not New Orleans, Detroit, or Baltimore, and there are no major mafias, weapons trades, or, political corruption. Subsequently Rookie Blue gives us crime in the form of cue card pictures with all the usual suspects; The corner store thugs, small time dealers prostitutes, abusive husbands. Rookie Blue might have amounted to something more if the criminals were individuals spanning longer arcs like the Wire. the shows biggest problem is that is has little interest in milking any real conflict out of the police aspects of the show. There are moments where it finds the nerve to get its hands dirty but never in an intelligent unforced way. The show is at it's darkest during a development involving an abductor/stalker of one of our young officers, a character who feels like he came out of C.S.I.Rookie Blue works more as a guilty pleasure show, about cute but intelligent twenty somethings. Over the course of five seasons the make up and break up gimmick prevails as our characters share each others beds. As long as she is in uniform Missy Peregym (getting top billing) had enough composure to convey something more than what she really is (a girl with features in PD blues). Out of uniform however she usually nothing more than a body in a tank top with a toothpaste smile. Of all the women in the show hover, she is not the best candidate for the lead role. Charlotte Sulivan, with her chilling eyes and cold stare, is far more distinctive and would have been my pick. Over all there are no visibly bad performances, but the acting is not exactly remarkable either. If there is one principle character who stands out, it would be Greg Smith. Designed as as very refined version of the little guy with the big brain, Smith is the most natural of all the younger members of the cast. He never plays to the camera with the same facial ticks or obvious body language that his fellow officers often demonstrate. The show works simply because everyone is likable. It is not a quality that could ever elevate a show like Rookie Blue to greatness, but it does get by. Other highlights are Matt Gordon and Clé Bennet in the supporting cast, as well as some nice aerial shots of the downtown core.
wowj99 I saw this show when it first came out in 2010 and have really liked it every since then. The acting is very swell along with the story lines to keep up with. It is a striving cast who works with with interacting with each others characters in a way of sense. The engagement in the character's moods and tone make it more interesting to watch. Rookie Blue is never a dull moment watching and makes me not want to take my enlisted eyes of the TV screen. They all do their job correctly in the sense of the relationships between the cops and their actions. All of the story lines have my mind into a set of entertainment and the action gets me hooked on the couch wondering how it all is going to match up. Although, officer Mcnally never shows her appreciation as much as she should when someone hands her something, she is a caring gal who strives to make her relationship with Sam work who is a fun and caring guy who is perfect for her.
jcallen1-784-826412 Rookie Blue was a breath of fresh air when it debuted. And to think that it's a Canadian production!The writing was crisp and engaging - imaginative and truly entertaining. The characters were appealing and truly likable with depth of character. We were proud that it was shot in Toronto (our home town) and had the quality of an American production.This season, it showed it's Achilles heal. Instead of smart writing, the production seems to be falling back to lazy 'run of the mill' scripts and although relationships are always a part of any presentation, now the writers are just moving the pieces around the board. McNally has had a number of relationships and then Sam and McNally are an item, but now everyone in the station house are sleeping with one another and another tact of lazy writers is to introduce homosexuality and spirit-ism into the mix.People - if you don't get off your complacent, average butts and start producing engaging stories without all the usual trash associated with network television today, you too will soon become a victim of the ratings.
turbotho I liked season 1 a lot! Season 2 was OK, and season 3 is rubbish IMO. It's all about expectations though. If you, like me, watch Rookie Blue to see a cop show, season 1 will give you plenty of that.It is reasonably realistic and shows stuff that rookie (and experienced) police officers come across in their work. There is also some co-worker relationship stuff in it. Which, as many cops will know, is something that also happens a lot. Overall I found season 1 very gripping, I could easily identify myself with the characters.But in season 2 there seemed to be more focus on the relationship stuff and less on the actual police stuff. I didn't find it annoying though. That was until I started watching season 3. Pfff I feel like I'm watching a soap-opera and oh yes, they all work in a police station and sometimes have to do actual police work. And on top of it, the police action seems less realistic. The producers seem more focused on making the characters look good on screen, then making them look professional.I think I'll complete season 3, but I don't think I'll be watching season 4 it they make it.