Ralph Breaks the Internet

2018 "Who Broke the Internet?"
7| 1h52m| PG| en| More Info
Released: 21 November 2018 Released
Producted By: Walt Disney Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
Official Website: https://movies.disney.com/ralph-breaks-the-internet-wreck-it-ralph-2

Video game bad guy Ralph and fellow misfit Vanellope von Schweetz must risk it all by traveling to the World Wide Web in search of a replacement part to save Vanellope's video game, Sugar Rush. In way over their heads, Ralph and Vanellope rely on the citizens of the internet — the netizens — to help navigate their way, including an entrepreneur named Yesss, who is the head algorithm and the heart and soul of trend-making site BuzzzTube.

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Ralph Breaks the Internet (2018) is now streaming with subscription on Disney+


Rich Moore, Phil Johnston

Production Companies

Walt Disney Pictures

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Ralph Breaks the Internet Audience Reviews

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Freaktana A Major Disappointment
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.