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Released: 29 September 2002 Ended
Producted By: NBC Studios
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Each episode of this series, set in contemporary Los Angeles, examines one crime from many different viewpoints - uniformed cops, detectives, witnesses, the media, the fire department and rescue squad, even the criminals themselves.

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NBC Studios

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Boomtown Audience Reviews

Bardlerx Strictly average movie
Sexylocher Masterful Movie
Freaktana A Major Disappointment
Scotty Burke It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
chweechua I caught an episode here and there when it first aired. It was obviously a one of a kind, super-engrossing and enthralling ride with each episode. Now years later, I pick up the DVD series as I meant to a long time back and finally get to catch all the episodes again during the Xmas break. Oh wow.. this series is still a polished gem.Anyways on an aside, I've always figured GE and it's so-called managerial prowess have been over-hyped for donkey years. Came to that conclusion even before the financial crisis revealed GE as just yet another souped up financial hedge fund masquerading as an industrial company. Jeff Zucker never seemed to have a real programming knack... maybe he was good at tweaking the financial games like other GE chieftains, but I don't recall any of the best NBC legacy shows before he became CEO having his imprint (E.R., Jerry Seinfeld, Friends etc). And on his watch, NBC steadily lost viewership and ratings faster than any of the other networks.. yet the guy is still the CEO? For Boomtown to lose its essence during the 2nd season via Zucker's interference, that's just another travesty notched on his bedpost. *sigh* Creative masterpieces are few and far in between, total bummer that this series got canceled.
Lennie It's amazing what a pass show that have an "original" premise get.If there is something that is hyped as "clever" or even worse "groundbreaking" in the makeup of the show, it gets a complete pass as to whether it's actually well-made, well-written or well-acted.Boomtown wasn't well-made. That's why it didn't find an audience. Its "originality" was really only a gimmick that would have worked had the writing and direction been better, but they weren't.It came across as yet another over-hyped, badly-made TV show that was intended to please critics only (as they tend to over-intellectualize everything and not care about little things that actual viewers care about like character, story and craftsmanship.The characters and the plots were instantly forgettable. The cast was uneven (Jason Gedrick being the standout and wasted as usual in yet another dreadful creative mess) and the camera-work was terrible as is often the case with over-hyped shows that rely on "let's shake the camera, that way the critics will think it's "realistic".Guess what guys. When you shake the camera, the audience reaches for the remote. It did just that and killed Boomtown.
noeadam I recently bought a high-definition TV. One of the channels I get is HDnet, they rerun Boomtown. I had a chance to watch it about 3 months ago, I haven't missed it since. Keep in mind this showed aired in 2002, I remember when it came out. I remember critics raving about how good it was. Well at that time I was 22 and didn't sit around scheduling my life around TV shows. But, now I am 26 engaged with a daughter, and my fiancé and I watch a lot of TV. This show should have been on F/X along with Rescue Me, which is the best show on TV. If Denis Leary doesn't win a Best Actor before this series runs its course, I will boycott the Emmys. Anyway, its a shame that a show like ER is still on.(I mean is there anyone from the original cast anymore?) When a groundbreaking show like this cant even stay on the air. If you get a chance watch it, buy it on DVD if you have to.
JackBauerPowerHour So many words to describe how great BOOMTOWN is. The 1st Season was truly Brilliant with great writting on every episode, amazing directing, wonderful characters, a beautiful theme song and top notch acting by all the actors. Seeing this show for the first time, I couldn't believe what I was watching. Neal McDonough performance as the Deputy DA David McNorris is nothing but Astonishing . Episode by Episode this show got more smarter and more addictive. This was the best show on TV in 2001-2002 and also the best I have seen in years, this also should of been nominated for every EMMY nomination there is but it wasn't. The 2nd Season of Boomtown was not better than season one but it was just as great. Nina Garbiras was not in the show any more, she was replace with Vanessa Williams who played the sometimes tough Katherine Pierce. The writting was just intelligent as ever, you still cared about the characters deeply, in the second episode you see David McNorris fighting his inner demons. When NBC put this show on hiatus because poor ratings(even tough NBC didn't promote at all). In November NBC cancelled the show, me and every other fan were very p**sed about this but in mid december I heard that they were gonna air the four remaining episodes of the series. I was very happy, I loved the little marathon they had on saturday and was very sad to see the final Boomtown episode. This was the type of show you could use the word "Great", even tough is not on no more this will never be forgotten by real TV viewers.(1st Season=A+)(2nd Season=A-).