Star Trek Continues


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  • 1
8.1| NR| en| More Info
Released: 24 May 2013 Returning Series
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Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
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Star Trek Continues Audience Reviews

Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Tin Ton And Im not exaggerating. Usually with fan produced stuff you notice the budged constraints and somewhat beginner approach quickly, the color grading, some actors and their performance, story lines etc... This however, boy. The guy playing Kirk is indistinguishable from Shatner almost, the mannerism, the stance, the voice pattern. Its all spot on. The camera work is exactly the same as in TOS. While the surroundings are a throwback to TOS, combined with today's CGI, its at the same time a perfect homage to the original and also a polished excellent product as a series. And lets not forget the stories, the core of ST. We all know certain ST series were/are not up to par on that front. The ST stories were extremely witty moral quandaries with exceptional, often completely unforeseen, twists at the end and at the same times often breaking social taboos. This series sticks hard to that in most episodes while at the same times balancing it out wonderfully with enough humour and action as the original TOS and other great ST series.All in all, please give it a chance if you are a ST fan and especially if you like and cherish the original series with Kirk. This show has none of the drawbacks of other fan made series, there is zero evidence its anything other than 100% studio financed product in terms of production and at the same times 100% loyal to all the core values and elements of ST universe that we love and that made it great.
louk-81235 I am a huge Star Trek fan and over the years have greatly enjoyed all of the Star Trek series as well as the many movies . My Favorite series was & always will be the original Star Trek, with Shatner, Nimoy & the rest.So when I was lucky to find Star Trek Continues, I was absolutely & happily mesmerized with it from the first episode on.The way it picks up & continues on from some of the original episodes is brilliant. The stories are very well written & the actors are top-notch in their roles. Vic Mignogna plays William Shatner's Captain Kirk to perfection & Todd Haberkorn does the same for Leonard Nimoy's Mr. Spock.Everything about this series is purely amazing, especially for the fans who started with the original Star Trek in the 1960's.I look forward to watching the last 3 episodes but will be saddened to see Star Trek Continues come to an end. I recommend this Web series to everyone!
marino-simic The series is a nice attempt however the protagonists are not well skilled actors and the story writers are doing noobish canon and fact mistakes.Claims such as "this ship has been improved to be able to do warp 15 at least" is total rubbish since we know that:"By the 24th century, infinite velocity was designated as warp factor ten. It was considered to be unattainable by conventional means."
dbbspill Seriously, I've never even bothered to write a review before, but this series is the bees knees. At the risk of committing sacrilege, I'm going to admit that Vic Mignogna does Jim Kirk even better than William Shatner did...or at least just as perfectly. They have the essence of the series to the bone. I am so happy that they created this reboot. I wish we could get new episodes every week like we would with a commercial production, but perhaps that is part of what makes this so special. Each episode is a carefully crafted work of heart.One of the things that I love most about the series is the loving resurrection of Scotty with his son Chris Doohan. Not only is he a dead ringer, but he has the character dead to rights. Also, Todd Haberkorn brings new life to the friendship between Kirk and Spock with his deadpan Vulcan, yet incredibly human performance.Who would have thought that an Indiegogo project could produce something this wonderful?Keep it up guys!! LOVE THIS!!!