Amor de hombre

1998 "Friendship is above everything, everything and all."
6.3| 1h28m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 04 October 1998 Released
Producted By: TLA Releasing
Country: Spain
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Set in Madrid, Spain, this engaging comedy chronicles the complex relationship between single female Esperanza, who can't buy a date, and her best friend Ramón, a gay divorce attorney whose bed is never empty. The pair's friendship is put to the test when Esperanza introduces Ramón to her fellow teacher -- who soon sends Ramón's life spinning out of control.



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Yolanda García Serrano, Juan Luis Iborra

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TLA Releasing

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Amor de hombre Audience Reviews

Steinesongo Too many fans seem to be blown away
HeadlinesExotic Boring
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Jay Harris Yes the the star of this movie is one of Spains leading TV & film actresses.Her performance has won a few festival awards as best actress in 1997.I doubt this film had any major release in the USA.It should have.Its is a rare gay themed comedy that is free of the usual clichés we find in films of this sort, made in the USA.Miss Leon is a teacher & her best friend is a lawyer who just happens to be gay. They have mostly gay friends BUT they to do not fit the typical stereotypes.Yes there are some bitchy lines but lines like that are in many modern comedies.This delight was written and directed by Yolanda Garcia Serrono & Juan Luis Iborra.Only quibbles I have is that the running time of 88 minutes seems a bit draggy in spots & occasionally the subtitles are a bit hard to read..All in all this is a far better gay themed film than what has been released by US film makers.Ratings *** (out of 4) 86 points (out of 100) IMDb 8 (out of 10)
ULizardi I loved this movie. It had its funny moments what with esperanza being a woman of some restraint, and Ramon being a giant pervert. There friendship is epic, all because you can see the true love there. It is moving, and I loved watching it. maybe they could have gone into a more detailed view on the lives of the other supporting characters, but what we saw of them was good. Sad yet loving, this movie has it all!I do recommend this film if you are looking for something with love and a little humor.This is probably a good view into the world around us, and how different it is.It might help you appreciate what you have and give you a look into what you don't want to have!
gradyharp AMOR DE HOMBRE is a smart, snappy, fast-paced, entertaining little film which considering its release date of 1997 was a precursor to the now frequent appearance of films that deal with tender relationships between gay men and straight women ('My Best Friend's Wedding' and all the spin-offs). It is a smart script, well cast and acted and directed and scored and should be given the chance for a theater release now, in more expansive gender-friendly times.Ramón (Andrea Occhipinti) is a handsome, successful lawyer in Madrid who happens to be gay and unlike most of his friends has not settled into a partnership. His closest friend is Esperanza (Loles León) who is a divorced school teacher, just turned 40, who love Ramón and constantly tries to help him find the 'right man' while Ramón tries to help her find her 'right man'. They party together with all of Ramón's professional friends - doctors, businessmen, teachers - and Ramón is hedonistic enough to have a different be partner every evening. After an automobile accident in which Ramón is injured, Esperanza moves in to care for him, a care that includes asking one of her fellow Phys Ed teachers Roberto (Armando del Río) to offer physical therapy and massage to the ailing Ramón. Because Roberto seems to rebuff Ramón's growing obsession with an unattainable straight man, the therapy ends when Ramón is able to walk. A twist occurs once Ramón is well and Roberto changes roles and is seductive to Ramón, a romance that comes to a tragic ending. In the end it is the quality of friendship between Ramón and Esperanza that provides the lasting nucleus of this tale.It is refreshing to see a film that focuses on healthy men who happen to be gay instead of a series of beleaguered victims of the usual stereotypes who end up with hopeless tragic lives. Yes, the circle of friends seems always on the watch for the 'new man on the block', but the cruising is healthy and fun. The movie works so well because of the fine writing and direction by an amazing team - Yolanda García Serrano and Juan Luis Iborra - who seem to have pared down life in Madrid's professional sector with a fresh eye on variety! The cast is superb with special kudos to Loles León and Andrea Occhipinti. This is a light and very entertaining comedy with a message. Recommended. In Spanish with English subtitles. Grady Harp
Gonzalo Melendez (gonz30) The Spanish dramatic sit-com, AMOR DE HOMBRE (Is translation necessary?) is a fresh and (for non-Spaniards) foreign take on what is becoming a deluge of "the perfect gay man as a girl's best friend" movies. To be objective, one must remember this movie was released before THE OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION, MY BEST FRIEND'S WEDDING, and RELAX, IT'S JUST SEX (to mention but a few) and two years before Madonna and Rupert Everett started playing the story out in the "real" world, and on film next year. The plot of AMOR has just the right number of interesting (stereotypical can be interesting) characters, and believable situations (the gay caracters DO have sex lives) to make the movie work on comedic and dramatic levels. The unusual depiction of gay men as "normal" yuppies (doctors, lawyers and teachers; no hair dressers or designers here), who like straights, have lives of their own, lends crossover appeal to the arthouse crowd.