Deep Crimson

7.2| 1h51m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 09 September 1996 Released
Producted By: MK2 Films
Country: Spain
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Driven by desire and desperate for self-love, Coral and Nicolás will abandon their past lives in a journey surrounded by murder.


Drama, Crime

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Arturo Ripstein

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MK2 Films


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Deep Crimson Audience Reviews

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Rachel Hagen An interesting element of Deep Crimson was it's unique look at gender roles through these evil and demented characters. Coral plays a mother's role in this film, and although she plays it badly to her own children who she mistreats and abandons not far into the film, she does play it to a larger degree with her lover, Nicholas. She is continually assuring him that she will take care of every situation, from giving her own hair to mend his hairpiece, through smashing the old woman on the head with a religious statue while Nicholas cowers like a child in the closet, up through her drowning of the toddling baby girl at the end.Nicholas is literally wearing the pants in the relationship, but Coral is the real brains and brawn behind their whole undertaking. Nicholas continually displays immature qualities. He has temper tantrums, such as when the young mother sees him without his wig and he attacks her, and also when he begs Coral to kill the old woman from the closet. However, although he is most often the more passive of the two, he is still essential to Coral, because she loves him, and to their scheme, because he is the breadwinner.Nicholas plays the head of the operation, as a man typically plays the role of the head of the household. However, Coral is a much more powerful and decisive role than perhaps a normal, passive feminine figure would be expected to be and that is portrayed as necessary. This film seems to show that men need women, and vice versa. Neither of them could perform this scam alone--and while these characters are obviously no template for family life, they are perhaps a commentary on it. They are, for the duration, a happy, dysfunctional family.
Ciara Calleja Deep Crimson is so much more than a partner-crime movie. Of course there is the typical troubled couple that is pulled together with a goal of being together and getting rich, but to not leave it at that is what differs it from the American cliché of "Bonny and Clyde." The main characters Nicolas and Coral are terrific failures that make the audience almost want to pity them; they aren't perfect in looks, brains, skills, or anything really. Because of this, the movie presents issues of envy, vanity, greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, sloth within Nicolas and Coral alone. In other words, the characters of Nicolas and Coral are a perfect example of the seven deadly sins.We see can see envy, gluttony, and sloth from Coral. She is constantly resorting to food, stuffing herself to stuff down her emotions, a typical sign of gluttony. This of course sets in with Coral's laziness, or sloth, she claims that she could easily loose the weight if she wasn't so lazy, when she first meets Nicolas. Because of her attitude on her weight and appearance, she easily grows jealous toward other woman that Nicolas tries to seduce in their "work," envying their position and looks. Vanity and wrath are perfectly displayed by Nicolas; this of course is all resorted toward his wig. Once the wig is on he is a seducer, claiming that he can only work on "his looks," and the wig is the launching point for this vain stand-point. However, once a woman discovers that he has a wig he becomes fueled with anger and usually lashes out to the woman that has discovered his secret. Both characters are driven by the sins of greed and sexual lust. Their entire motive is driven toward the greed of financial gain, to steel from woman that Nicolas attempts to seduce. However the two are driven by sexual lust, like the lust that Coral has toward Nicolas, or the trouble that Nicolas' lust has toward other woman he seduces. Because of this, the sins the two commit, the audience realizes that they must die. As Coral says moments before she is shot to death, "I think this is the happiest day of my life." Making the ending one that is satisfying to the audience and the characters themselves.
anonreviewer Nice to see something filmed in a country that has rarely been seen in movies, or at least not the parts they show here.Good character development without the high octane drama and flashy camerawork of Hollywood.Themes of the movie include needy people and relationships that trap you.
debblyst The plot has been commented by other viewers, so let's move on. I saw this movie when it came out in theaters and loved it, especially the development of the plot (based on the same true events portrayed in Leonard Kastle's cult classic "The Honeymoon Killers") and the way Ripstein expertly evolves from black humor to suspense to bloody tragedy. I also loved the bolero-like title (say it in Spanish -Profundo Carmesí- beauuutiful), the choice of colors (thick greens, reds, blacks and browns), the set decoration, the actors, the all-imposing Catholic symbols and Catholic guilt which are so present in Latin American cultures... So I thought it was a film about SICK love and misleading appearances, how harmless-looking people can hide sick violent personalities that may ignite under certain circumstances, never to return to what they were before. A few years later, I happened to see an interview with Ripstein about this film, which urged me to see it again. He said it was a film about the dangers of romantic passion, tout court -- in the sense that passionate love is just one step away from isolation from society's values and conventions - and I thought "yes, this makes sense!". "Profundo..." is (also) about the pathological potential of any passionate love: the anti-social, selfish, self-consuming and potentially destructive behavior a love affair can trigger, to the risk of excluding friends, family and professional life from the lovers' agenda, and when nothing really matters except each other, their plans and their being together against all odds or reasons. Coral's behavior, dumping her children, lying, stealing, killing, marching on regardless of everyone else's feelings or actual physical integrity is a depiction of a sick personality...or is just a step or two further than the average person "madly" in love??"Profundo Carmesí" is great, but do I have to mention not to expect anything uplifting? My vote: a good 8 out of 10, just don't see it if you've been recently dumped by your lover/husband/wife; it might give you bad ideas!!