I'm Reed Fish

2007 "Reed Fish's life turns into chaos when a high school crush returns on the eve of his marriage to the small town's sweetheart."
5.7| 1h33m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 01 June 2007 Released
Producted By: ContentFilm
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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When an old high school crush returns to his small hometown, Reed Fish's once simple, calculated life begins to unravel. A drunken incident prompts Reed's fiancée and the entire town to turn against him.


Drama, Comedy, Romance

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Zackary Adler

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I'm Reed Fish Audience Reviews

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Borgarkeri A bit overrated, but still an amazing film
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
mari_lyn00 I'm Reed Fish, with adorable actors and 'awesome indie date flick' written all over it, it's probably a nice romantic comedy movie, right? Yeah, not really. About a young man who's set to get married to his small town girlfriend, and gets confused when an old flame comes back into his life, this movie will probably not leave you feeling the love and butterflies you'd expect. Though only slightly confusing with it's movie within a movie deal, the real messed up part of this movie is actually the part that's supposed to be romantic and charming. Unless you find a young man cheating on his wife to be, leaving her, and confusing the heck out of both her and the 'other' girl - charming, then no, you will not find this film adorable in the least.At the end of this movie I found myself rooting for no one. I didn't want him to end up with either of them. I mean what did he learn exactly, from all of this? That he wants to go into film making? OK. Actually you know what, I was rooting for someone at the end, and that's for the girl he was supposed to marry. I was rooting for her to find herself someone much better that would make her realize that this guy, is a jerk.
moorthyr I stumbled on to this on my Netflix "instant play" feature as something to watch. The Netflix rating system told me I'd like it, and they were right! So much so that I'll probably buy it soon.The coming of age love story watches the goings-on of Reed Fish, a "literal" big fish in a small town who has a daily radio show he inherited from his dad. The slam dunk in this movie is Schuyler Fisk's performance and music. She's incredibly engaging. Her music is wonderful. Jay Baruchel, as the title character Reed, and Alexis Bledel, as his fiancée, do an excellent job.Some reviewers trash this film for various perceived ills - being rough around the edges - the seeming improbability that two attractive women(Schuyler Fisk and Alexis Bledel) would fall for Reed, - the sometimes stinted dialogue - the complicated story-in-a-storyBut they are completely missing the humour and the point. Reed Fish is a big fish, pun intended, in this little town, and spends his days solving problems for his listeners and otherwise operating as a pillar of his community despite his youth - its meant to be a little weird, I think. There are many moments where the movie laughs at itself for all these "flaws", which I'm sure were engineered in in part to mimic reality. Do yourself a favor - suspend reality for a moment and enjoy it for what it is - a delightfully engaging, charming romantic comedy with a few twists.
Andrew Mendelssohn Reed Fish is, in my opinion, the small quirky type of indie films that the U.S. does well, and which unfortunately are rarely seen outside of America.The film doesn't pretend to be anything except what it is, a small romantic comedy with some life affirming moments and a few quirks. Indeed, the plot quirks (without giving away too much) overshadow what was a simple film up to the end. I had the feeling that to some extent the writers didn't know how to finish their own story, and also wanted something to distinguish the film. Having said all of that, I liked the film. It wasn't pretentious and had its heart in the right place. Its not going to make you think, or win an Oscar, but its a worthwhile hour and a half.
Chantel Regouby Well I was fortunate enough to be a background actor for this movies, plus had the pleasure of filling in for P.A. Seeing the behind the scenes of this movie I really think made me fully appreciate the film and all the hard work that was put behind it. Jay is a great guy and a great actor, I hope he prosers well in life and whatever he endures. Quall's, is a very funny guy and motivational to comedy. I could not of asked for a better crew to handle this film. Each person who had a hand in making this Movie, I give my graces to. From lighting and sound, the the catering, without the help of so many this movie could not have been possible. To finally see the trailer is awe inspiring, I can't believe that we all did so much work and it turned out so well.Sincerely Yours, Chantel Regouby