Criminal Minds


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8.1| TV-MA| en| More Info
Released: 22 September 2005 Returning Series
Producted By: CBS Studios
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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An elite team of FBI profilers analyze the country's most twisted criminal minds, anticipating their next moves before they strike again. The Behavioral Analysis Unit's most experienced agent is David Rossi, a founding member of the BAU who returns to help the team solve new cases.


Drama, Crime, Mystery

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CBS Studios

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Criminal Minds Audience Reviews

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Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
steven-p-williams-cpt No more problem solving just bs drama and scratch. New cast isn't good either.
lora-jen This show seems to have directly copied an earlier version called "profiler" from 2007 - also about a set of cops/profilers with an overly talented hacker turned analyst. Have a watch of the original - CM is pretty much an updated carbon copy. I used to find CM good (overall) to watch, it was creepy and at times even scared me. Although there were some plotholes and the storyline has pretty much always been the same - there's a killer, the BAU figures it out, arrives in time to save the latest victim. CM was originally not too misandrist (although many blamed it for being misogynistic, I guess because it wasn't overly misandrist..). However especially in the current season, CM has become extremely SJW (the bad kind), and very misandrist. Also after the departure of Hodge and Morgan, the characters personal storylines are very weak and boring. In previous seasons, all of the characters had very interesting personal storylines, incl JJ, Prentis and Reid. As the series has progressed, the ways in which deductions are made becomes increasingly unbelievable and nonsensical, how each crime is solved seems to become the least important aspect in each episode. This season has seen a switch from mostly female victims by male killers, to mostly male victims and/or female killers. I would praise this for showcasing the fact there are many violent females out there and many male victims, however it seems clear the show doesn't intend to highlight the latter, but to pander to the viewers crying misogyny over so many young pretty female victims in the beginning of the series. It has also seemed to remove any (or most?) cases of rape, and even the word itself. Also I guess to pander to snowflakes. The show has really gone down hill and the characters are no longer compelling to watch, sometimes they aren't even in an episode - with no explanation. An example of the blatant misandry and gynocentrism (seeing women are more important/worth more than men) on the show is the latest episode; Prentis "that's extremely viscous for a woman" Alvez "don't kid yourself, when American Indian natives couldn't get info from an enemy, they would hand them over to the women" at first this seems good, Alvez is educating Prentis not to be sexist, that women are just as capable of viciousness and vileness as men (although you'd think she would already know that, working that job for so long and the influx of female perps in this season)However the misandry comes when Prentis looks impressed rather than disgusted and exclaims something along the lines of 'wow, I should frame that little tid bit and hang it in my office'. So its gross when men do it but empowering when women do it? OKC riminal minds.. Also, Rossi declares a guy a misogynist, later assaulting him and violently threatening him (to stop him from threatening/assaulting a woman) - and despite doing the same thing to someone as he's trying to stop that someone from doing to someone else - Rossi is still somehow the hero. It's fine if its done to a man, but not to a woman - seemingly criminal minds' position. There are countless examples of the sexism within this show all through every episode. They are also extremely fond of spraying around the word 'misogynist' (constantly, in pretty much every single episode) to describe any male character on the show who does anything bad to a woman (although no women are ever referred to as misadrist for doing anything bad to a man), (the word misogynist actually means hatred of (all) women, someone who does something bad to someone of said gender doesn't necessarily hate that gender at all). The show loves to use this word out of context for effect in nearly every episode, I assume they think as their viewership is mostly female it will help their ratings. This show is also fond of referring to male perps as "insert bad adjective" but won't describe female perps in the same negative way. The show has always done this, often comforting female serial killers. CM has and especially is now, a smorgasboard of double standards.Aside from the gender wars, CM is just not engaging nor exciting any longer, and the constant character departures and arrivals over the last couple of years has made things worse, not to mention the increasing laziness on behalf of the writers/directors. They could also do with not ramming the whole 'we love this team we are like family' down viewers throats constantly, I keep getting flashes to Dom in the Fast & Furious franchise!
joan-fletcher This is one of the best programmes there has ever been. Never missed an episode since it started. Cast changes make no difference to the quality, although it's sad to see them go. Here's hoping we never lose Penelope or Reid. I realise it will not go on forever, but I certainly hope it is around for a long time. I also loved Criminal Minds: Suspect Behaviour and Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders. Was so upset when they where cancelled.
paulreinbapage Diving into Part 2 of Hardcore Henry what UK has filmmed or came by earlier 2000' this serial 2 is not ultimate. Capitol Records and Universal direct, too amazed over praise is not done yet, many sees the rest has to be in to continue over the hood story of Hollywood criminal minds, suspenseful and great. Performances Chris Angel and his magic, a camera man on his face kills people by shoot guns, arrives to Eric house, and expose its inside! Cliche lets us see fireborn trees, too awful direction not for entertine.