Inside the Box

5.5| 0h10m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 08 March 2024 Released
Producted By: Vistaframe
Country: Germany
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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We're in the year 2023, and the world seems open and enlightened. At least, it appears that way. Millions of people from other countries live among us, trying to find their way, fulfill their dreams, and advance in their careers. But for refugees, it's not that simple. In the short film Inside the box, we explore social injustices, prejudices against foreign fellow citizens, and the German passport, which is believed to make everything better.



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Yazan Alnakdali

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Inside the Box Audience Reviews

Executscan Expected more
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.