The 33

2015 "Hope Runs Deep"
6.9| 2h0m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 09 November 2015 Released
Producted By: Warner Bros. Pictures
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Based on the true story of the collapse of a mine in San Jose, Chile—that left 33 miners isolated underground for 69 days.


Drama, History

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Patricia Riggen

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Warner Bros. Pictures

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The 33 Audience Reviews

Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
wplatt-73340 The 33 is a film based on a true story, where 33 Chilean miners get trapped underground in the San Jose mine for 69 days. The film shows the hardships the miners had to go through in the mine, as well as what people on the surface did to try to get them out. The film was a good film overall that did a good job showing the history behind the story of the miners, and it did a good job being entertaining and keeping the viewer hooked throughout the film. The director of the film is Patricia Riggen, who has made a few movies before, but nothing really historically based like The 33. This makes her somewhat not qualified to make a movie like this. The budget of the film was about 26 million dollars, which is quite a lot of money for a movie like this. The movie was released in 2015 and made 24.9 million dollars at the box office. More than half of the filming was done in the salt mine of Nemocón, Colombia, and rescue scenes were being filmed in Tierra Amarilla, Chile, so it has a very accurate portrayal of the mine, since it was filmed in an actual mine. The director most likely wanted to make the film to tell the story of the 33 Chilean miners, and the efforts to try to get them out of the mine they were trapped in. The film seemed like it was made for anyone looking for a dramatic movie to watch, not just Chilean people, so it was made to appeal to the masses.The film was very historically accurate. The only type of inaccuracy was the light shining through into the refuge when the first drill poked through. This would not happen considering they are hundreds of feet underground, and the drill is even blocking the hole it went through. Other than that, the director does not seem to have any bias, so it does not get in the way of the film as a whole.The film was very educational, but it was not boring. It is a very good tool to teach people what happened to the miners, and the characters seem to be very close to what they were like in real life. If I were directing this film, I would have tried to do more to make the audience feel how long the miners were in the mine for, because to the watcher, the fast paced sequences outside the mine takes away from the 69 day length of time.
memons-83705 In 2010, the unthinkable happened. 33 miners were trapped in an unstable mine for 69 days. In the beginning of the film the 33 miners go into the mine thinking it is an ordinary day mining for gold, but it soon turns out for the worst. The mine begins to collapse and everyone panics. They drove to the refuge, which was a safe space where there is food and water. For 14 days they were low on food and everyone was restless. Finally, the people that were up top trying to get the miners drilled into the refuge and could finally communicate to the miners. They sent food, drinks, iPod, and magazines to the miners to keep them occupied. The people on top said it would take 3 months to extract the miners. They ran into difficulties, but in the end all 33 miners were saved. The director of the film is Patricia Riggen. She went to Columbia University and received her masters in screen writing and directing. She was asked to direct a Disney Channel original movie Lemonade Mouth and also Girl in Progress releasing in 2012. Then her next project was The 33. The movie was released in August 2015, 5 years after the accident, in Chile. While directing this film she wanted the cast and crew to get the full experience on what these miners through. So, her cast and crew spent a total of 35 days filming in salt mines. Some of the desert scenes were in Chile and two mine scenes where in Columbia. She wanted to show that a girl can direct a movie that is so masculine. The next movie that she did was Miracles of Heaven. The theme of these movies is to not give up hope and keeping going. Patricia Riggen made this film to remember the accident and the pride that Chile has to keep going. She wanted to show what the miners actually went through because many people don't know the hardships those men went through. The reasons for the film is explicitly stated because the miners are stuck in a cave and they struggle. They don't give up hope and try to survive with little help and while the supplies were low. It was until the workers got to the miners that the struggle and hardships were real. The miners had little food everyday and it was getting to a time where the miners were going at each other. But, the character Mario kept everyone in line until help arrived. This film was made for the world because this was a live event that was on TV and not many people understood why this happened or what is happening. In the movie they showed why they were stuck and the problems on why they couldn't get them out. Now they showed what happened people know what it is like. There are many historical errors in this film. During the drilling of the rescue. The movie said that 2 drills broke down and couldn't help anymore. In the real event the drills were still working, but they were back up drills on the side for if anything happened to the main drill. Also, the 33 men after they got rescued were taken to the hospital right after and the movie said that they walked around and stayed with the families. Also, the mine afterwards closed after the event. The director does not omit important topics of this film and does a very good job going through the event. It is somewhat biased because it shows the mine is a bad guy in the film and that the President of Chile does really nothing to this event in his own country. He biased things does not get in the way of the film because they don't focus on those points and the story moves along. The characters are believable because they showed raw emotional when they were stuck in the mine and even when they were reunited with their families. The acting is really good and the language was appropriate for this time period. The language was somewhat Spanish and many spoke in English, but with a Spanish accent. Some ways to improve it is to get rid of biased and focus on the story. Also, when the mine was going to collapse it was hard to follow who was who, and where the refuge was. The setting was dark and even though they had lamp lights, they didn't use them. Some parts the miners had background light even though they were really far underground. Overall, this movie was really good and the event was on point with the acting and the emotional feeling of this film.
nagrinzone Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be trapped in mine; away from everyone you have ever loved? In this suspenseful film named "The 33", 33 miners go to mine for gold near the Atacama Desert when suddenly they find themselves all trapped where there is minimal food or water barely enough to survive for 3 days. The families of the miners become emotional and demand answers from the mining company, however the mining company is very vague and has practically given up on finding the miners. Fortunately a man named Laurence Golborne takes over the rescue efforts, joins with the government, and ultimately saves all 33 miners in 69 days. The movie was extremely entertaining and kept you on the edge of your seat, however the historical aspect seems to be a secondary aspect.The director of "The 33", Patricia Riggen, began her directing career since 1997 in which she was a secondary assistant director. Her big break began when she directed her first major film named "Under the Same Moon", and began to continue directing successful movies such as "Lemonade Mouth" and "Girl in Progress". As you can see, she is very skilled at directing dramatic, fictional films; which makes it more likely to believe that many of the scenes of "The 33" are over dramatized for entertainment purposes for her demographic audience. The movie was released in 2015, only 5 years after the actual San Jose Mine accident, and was filmed in Colombia, Chile, and the United States, so although some scenes may be more dramatized for ratings, Patricia Riggen made her film somewhat recently after the incident and brought the biography to life by shooting in the actual countries that were affected by the tragedy.Patricia Riggen's reasoning for making the film was to show how brave the 33 men were and how their families in Chile were affected by the possible and assumed probable loss of their husband, brother, or father. She also has made it very clear that she blames the mining company for the accident and does not give the president the credit for saving the men due to their presented lack of interest or interest solely to save themselves. The message of the film is very clear because the director did an outstanding job on presenting emotion and facial expressions throughout every single character, no matter a lead or in the background. The audience that this was intended for was Chilean citizens who either experienced or had a huge impact on the original incident since it not only shows how the 33 men were struggling on how they would survive, but showed the numerous amounts of citizens that were in panicking in fear because they believed that their loved ones would never make it out alive.Although there was no prior research before watching the film, I have done some additional research afterwards and there seems no to be no historical accuracies. The most important topics such as the mine trapping the 33 men and how the Chile and other countries were affected by the tragedy were all covered and displayed excellently, however there is a bit of bias. The bias blames the mining company and somewhat looks down upon President Piñera for his supposed selfishness in the matter, and although their portrayal may be accurate there should have been more scenes of the mining company and Piñera explaining their side of the situation or showing how this truly impacted them as a person rather than a corporation. However, the minor bias in the film does not take away from the overall focus of the bravery of the 33 men trapped in the cave and the path to their survival.In conclusion, this film was very exciting to watch. The characters did an outstanding job with their emotion and their dialogue; almost making you feel like this film actually took place during the real mining accident in 2010. The filming style was amazing and showed many different angles and different viewpoints between Laurence Golborne's dedication for finding and saving the men and the citizens fear and coming together to help save their loved ones. The director took an actual historical event, and made it a very pleasurable film that is all interesting, dynamic, and factual; a desired combination of a historical based film.
mchristopher-54855 Half a mile under the earth surface, darkness all around, starvation on your mind, what do you do? Persevere. This is what 33 men of the San Jose Mining Company did from September to November as they were trapped with little food, water, or oxygen in an unstable mine. Based on true events, Patricia Riggen directs the film telling how the 33 miners were isolated from the outside world, stuck deep below ground for 69 days. Although filmed mostly in Colombia during 2014, this daring tale tells of the actual events played out at the San Jose copper-gold mine in Copiapo, Chile during 2010.Director Riggen wanted to tell the tale and heroics of the incident from the miner's view, while also getting the point across that not giving up on hope and surviving for your loved ones can push you to persevere through life's toughest issues. The film accurately portrays the historical events that unfolded, giving a somewhat day by day view on what happened. Since this is an actual event, the film was made to show the incident and how the miners were rescued. When it comes to the history, the film does an alright job being on target. It shows how difficult it was for the miners to survive in a small area with little water, and the toll it took on their family members going without contact for two weeks. The rescue scene was the most fabricated. In the movie it shows over a thousand family members, friends, and news reporters gathered close to the rescue hole. In reality, no one was allowed close to the rescue area. All reporters and most family members were forced to view the spectacle far away. Also, the drilling process in the movie had some Hollywood twists. Although there were three plans set out to get to the miners, from Australia, Canada, and the United States, the reality wasn't how the movie portrayed it. The film shows the Australian and Canadian crews practically giving up after some hiccups, and the US' drill getting right to business and eventually finding the miners. The American drill was first to reach them, but the other drills still continued to work in case of another setback. This shows some bias to the US. Unlike the movie, the miners were immediately rushed to nearby hospitals after being rescued, and had to wear sunglasses for several days for them to readjust.Overall, the movie is a great way to tell the story, with minimal errors. The actors did a great job being real and showing what it was like to be trapped down there. The camera angles needed to be more up close and personal, to really show how how dehydrated and hungry the miners were after the many days they were down there. A more surreal and jaw dropping image of what it's like to go without clean air, water, or food would have made it much better.