Very disappointed :(
Slow pace in the most part of the movie.
A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
I suppose the meeting goes something like this: "Wow. You think you can get Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler on the same page with this?"
"Yep, they're on board, two Saturday Night Live standouts, with Will obviously the bigger name, it can't miss."
Hollywood does not think it really matters what the story/script is about once you have these two performers.
Anything will do and that's certainly the case with this dreadful film by Andrew Jay Cohen, the man who brought us the awful 'Bad Neighbours.'
He's just repeated the trick of pulling in a couple of names. That film starred Seth Rogen and Zac Efron and resulted in a sequel!
'The House' is billed as a comedy, but nothing funny happens, there are no clever/witty lines, zero.
Stop paying for this garbage you are only encouraging them.
Neil Welch
When daughter Alex is denied the university scholarship the town had promised her (because creepy head councilman Bob has embezzled it), Scott and Kate team up with down-on-his-luck friend Frank to start an unlicensed casino in his house, with the intention of running it through the summer and then using the profits for Kate's tuition and to save Frank defaulting on his mortgage.This film is deeply silly. It is also consistently funny. I watched it in a small auditorium with about 20 people, and there was frequent laughing out loud. There is a lot of bad language, some violence, some drug misuse, some sexual frankness (though, as usual, no nudity), so it is very much ini the modern style of being crude, crass, tasteless and offensive, but it always remembers to be funny.Will Ferrell's Scott is an idiot when necessary (he can't cope with numbers) and scarily competent at others - the character is completely inconsistent, depending on the demands of the plot. Yet it works well enough. There are similar character inconsistencies with both Kate and Frank, yet you are prepared to overlook this because they are likeable characters, and you want them to get away with their activities despite, how can I put this, the dismemberments etc. they are responsible for.There is a fairly extensive supporting cast, all of whom are well enough drawn that you enjoy seeing what they are doing, and the various mishaps which happen to them. The violence is graphic but slapstick.I was always interested to see where the story was going - it wasn't always where I expected. And I enjoyed spending time with these daft people in their foolish but funny story.
Probably not the greatest story line for a movie, especially one with will Ferrell in but the actors genuinely make this a funny film.
Just pants. Completely and utterly pants with a capital P.
Actually, with a capital P, capital A, capital, capital T and a capital S!!!