The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy

1958 "See the relentless machine battle the gruesome corpse"
2.4| 1h5m| NR| en| More Info
Released: 10 October 1958 Released
Producted By: Cinematográfica Calderón S.A.
Country: Mexico
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A mad doctor builds a robot in order to steal a valuable Aztec treasure from a tomb guarded by a centuries old living mummy.

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Rafael Portillo

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Cinematográfica Calderón S.A.

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The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy Audience Reviews

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Tetrady not as good as all the hype
Marva-nova Amazing worth wacthing. So good. Biased but well made with many good points.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
classicsoncall I never thought it could happen. Within a mere week, my established list of all time Top Ten worst films ever has been completely upended by two incredibly awful flicks that showed up on Turner Classics over the past seven days. No need to wonder, the other one was "Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell", and they now occupy the top two spots on my list, which you can check out here - After reading some of the other comments on the picture, it's my understanding that there are a couple other Aztec Mummy flicks out there which I'll be wary of, as I don't want to inundate my bad movie list with a single concept.Quite honestly, I couldn't follow a lot of the dialog or narrative in the picture, but I think that might have been a blessing. If one needs a run down on what happened, go on over to the review on this board by 'evilskip' and you'll get the idea. For my part, I was consistently stunned by such nonsense as an Aztec breastplate with hieroglyphics, a maniacally weird character named Dr. Krupp, and some guy thrown into a pit full of rattlers, which by the way, didn't contain any rattlesnakes if you took a close look. But who would take a close look at anything going on in this picture?I know I can be a glutton for punishment when it comes to this movie watching hobby of mine, and every once in a while you come across one that really rattles the foundations. My summary line is an actual quote from one of the characters in the picture, so don't think it's me putting you on. If I can suffer through this, you can too.
GL84 No longer able to keep a secret, a doctor and his friends learn their efforts of safeguarding a valuable treasure is thwarted by a gangster trying to steal the belongings of an Aztec tomb guarding by a living mummy using his hand-made robot and race to stop him.This was certainly an interesting and enjoyable Mexican drive-in fare. What really works for this one is the Gothic atmosphere is quite creepy at times, giving this one some chilling moments along the way. That it leads off with the Aztec ceremony flashback, a complete elaborate Aztec layout which has a great detail and feel that when it gets to the action of the rituals, from the chanting and the lineup of the maidens, to the actual banishment ritual shown being completed, is a fine start and leads into the big series of underground sequences in the caves. The first sequence, where they break into the tomb and see the mummy laying there in the room with the skeleton and bringing it back to life chasing them throughout the eerie caves when they return again the second time, and the third encounter interrupting the creature' sacrifice attempt leading to the brawl around the tomb makes this an incredibly enjoyable, creepy sequence. Likewise, the sprawl through the cemetery where she passes the elaborate monuments and tombstones is a chilling Gothic set- piece, the return trip leading the robot through is quite fun and there's even more good points from the juxtaposition of the Gothic and cheesy here by featuring scenes like that of the cheesy-looking robot crossing through a Gothic cemetery or the creature's attack on a hideout dispatching a series of gangsters. That also extends to the overall look of the two titular creature which is quite readily apparent of its' low- budget nature throughout, which also brings up the first of the flaws here with this one. The biggest thing against this is that so little of what happens here can be taken seriously because the cheapness is much too distracting here, from the utterly pathetic robot design as it's one of the worst-looking ones in the history of robots on film and the general feel of the sets here give off a pretty obvious low-budget. It becomes all the more obvious in this version where this one decides to focus on the flashbacks of the others as there's three different times this one stops to bring those flashbacks up again which shows a pretty obvious quality-shift between this one and the others, and then partially ruins the effect by talking over the whole scene with a narration that takes away from the scene by describing what's happening during the sequence. The last problematic effort is the length at barely an hour long and keeping so many of the big scenes, from the hide-out assault and the finale fight between the two titular creatures hidden away till the back-end while there's other issues to deal with in such a short effort. Otherwise, this one wasn't all that bad.Today's Rating/PG: Violence.
mikelcat This film isn't bad as imports go and even is entertaining in spots .The Angel as he is called gets his arse kicked through out the film and he's the hero !!! Though he tries and tries Dr. Krupp or ''The Bat '' as he is known is a fiend who laboratory is about as genuine as a chemistry set , but therein lies the charm .This film has parts of the Aztec Mummy film that was butchered to make about six films in total .Its left to the young kid to save The Angel from the snake pit of The Bat and he makes it just in time .The best part of the film is watching the Angel get beat up time after time , if you've got an hour to kill there are worse ways .
MartinHafer The first 2/3 of this film wasn't that dissimilar to the American mummy films of the 30s and 40s. Two lovers in ancient Mexico dared to defy the law and were doomed to die. One became an Aztec mummy whose job it was to guard the sacred treasure and his lady love. And the lady was reincarnated in the present day and the mummy was naturally attracted to her. So far, it's all the typical mummy film...though it's quite a bit slower and duller than the American versions. Oh, and of course the Aztec mummy looked really, really crappy.However, into this standard but boring film there is a super-villain. Why? I dunno--it sure didn't make any sense to have one. It seems this villain wants the treasure and he manages to hypnotize the lady and have her show them where the Aztec treasure is buried. Why does he need the treasure? Well, to buy the equipment needed to make an army of atomic robots, dummy! But first he has to construct a single mummy to defeat the mummy, as the mummy has so far been unstoppable.You've got to see these "human-robots" as they look like the enormous clunky robots from Flash Gordon and other serials BUT they have a rubber head of a supposed dead guy inside! They really look hilariously funny and seeing the conclusion when there is a huge battle between the lethargic mummy and the equally slow robot is worth sitting through the rest of the dull movie. Both battle in super-slow-motion like they are bathed in taffy... and it's done in such an artless and silly fashion that it is bound to elicit chuckles--certainly not thrills.Overall, the film is dreadfully dull and a muddled mess--especially at the end. However, for bad movie fans, it's a must-see--it's bad but unintentionally funny and great to watch and laugh at with friends.