The Way Home

2002 "Discover the magical movie that has captured the heart of a nation."
7.7| 1h26m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 05 April 2002 Released
Producted By: Paramount Vantage
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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The story begins on a fine summers morning, when San-woo and his mother board a bus to the country. It is soon clear that the unsophisticated rural passengers annoy the seven-year-old urban boy. His mother is taking him to live with his 78-year-old mute, but not deaf, grandmother while she looks for a new job after a business venture failed in Seoul.


Drama, Family

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Lee Jeong-hyang

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Paramount Vantage


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The Way Home Audience Reviews

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kinoviewer "The Way Home" is one of the best Korean movies I have watched for the last years. This low-budget movie is a very nice story of relations development between a grandmother and her grandson. Having visited South Korea I never knew this side of life in rural areas and watching this one was quite a shock to me who saw only big cities and met quite wealthy people there. I was really moved by acting of that old lady, whose character is an old and ill person but very kind to her neighbors and unconditionally loves her grandson. A boy was also good and even managed to make me irritated. There is not much of a dialog, but actions speak louder than words. I cannot say I am very sensitive person, however there are some moments that really made me sad and thoughtful. You'd better watch it yourself! I highly recommend this movie! Two thumbs up!
richiebrown I instantly liked this movie. The whole movie, you see how mean the boy is to his grandmother, but at the end when he says sorry from the bus, all is forgiven. I truly thought it was good...In the film, the boy is left to stay with his grandma, who is quite poor. He is always fussing and being spoiled. The grandma, it seems, never decides to scold him in any way. As he lives with her for a while, he realizes the family values he should take for granted. At the end, it's very sad when he says sorry. This left a very good impression on me... Fine acting as well... This movie made me think of many important lessons. The story, in general, is about how you should treat family, and everyone, with respect and appreciate what they do for you...
eltonma This movie reflects the reality of the modern world and youngster's respect to elders nowadays(in Asia). It reminds me of myself when I was younger, and the way I treated my grandma too. This story isn't based on true story, but it's so real, I believe these kinds of story do exist in the world. The kid's acting skill is quite outstanding in his age, he could show all the emotions needed for this film, A++!! For the grandma's acting skill, needless to say, one of the greatest non-professional actress. As far as I know, she had not only never performed in a movie before 'Jibeuro', but she had never before SEEN a film. She was found during an extensive talent search among real rural village people by director Lee Jeong-Hyang to play the lead role of the stoic, heroic mute grandmother. This really amazed me.In overall, one word that perfectly fits this film - TOUCHING! It did make me cry a lot. It's 10 out of 10 undoubtedly.Elton Ma
Josh_Molinero Okay, having had three Korean roommates in the past year I have acquired a bit of a taste for Korean films. This film in particular became of interest to me because of the fact they cast a 78 year old woman with no acting background, who has never even seen a film before this as a deaf mute. Which she played convincingly.The first thing to be warned about in this movie is that it is action-reaction driven, as in most of the time there will be little or no words but the movie still manages to move along without them. The old grandmother (Eul-boon Kim) is old. Yet most of her actions relate to a child trying to please her parents. She knows a lot, but at the same time is horrifically under-educated. Things that would be too childish for let's say a ten year old may in fact be leaps and bound beyond what she can tangibly do. Her character couldn't even figure out what hole the square goes in while playing with the classic toddlers toy. Yet, she gets by. The portrayal of an old woman who lives in her own means supporting herself using what she knows is inspiring.Of course the journey of an old woman would be horrifically dull without any real conflict. So the second thing I warn you about this movie is that it is harsh but realistically and spookily accurate. While watching this movie, I was flinching in horror at the treatment Sang-woo (Seung-ho Yu) gave to his disabled grandmother. Early on though in the film they established that he himself was raised poorly by his own mother. Being spoiled and yelled at, it was obvious she had almost given up in attempting any real discipline. Thus, it all trickles down. He controls her, by manipulating her into pleasing him in any way she can. It was aggravating how he treated fact I wanted to get up and smack that little brat as much as I am against child-abuse. The good thing though is the movie didn't lie in any way. Having worked with children in the past I related to the grandmother, you do what you can, sometimes you can't discipline them, they aren't your responsibility, but if you can get them to at least respect you---now that is an accomplishment. The old woman earned his respect from the beginning, but never really received it, only time after time again did she finally obtain recognition. Her path is almost biblical in that she chose her battles, and knew she couldn't fight back but still ultimately won the battle.The third problem though is that it seems to end to easily, thus a lower score than I would have liked. It seems in almost an effort to wrap it all up, the main character has a turn-around in the last twenty minutes to really caring. I am glad, that it ended happily, but I was expecting more of a realistic gradual approach especially with the slow build up to that point. This is really my only problem with the film. I can't disagree with the methods and I think this movie would invoke anyone to really look into how they might be treating the people around them. For that reason alone it comes highly recommended.This movie is not recommended to anyone who doesn't like to think much when it comes to films. Of course, maybe that's the reason you should watch it.