American Experience


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8.6| TV-PG| en| More Info
Released: 04 October 1988 Returning Series
Producted By: GBH
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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TV's most-watched history series brings to life the compelling stories from our past that inform our understanding of the world today.



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American Experience Audience Reviews

PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Grumpy This program used to be called "The American Experience." Then it was suddenly and deliberately truncated to "American Experience" as part of a mysterious "update." An act which should live--in infamy.Why did the producers of this program remove the "the" from the beginning of the title? I believe that this is something that should not, as Bush the Elder once said, "stand." Who dictated that the "the" should be removed? What sense does it make to take a perfectly reasonable title--"The American Experience" which describes what all Americans have in common, and what makes us Americans--and remove one word, thereby changing the meaning to, well, nothing. "American Experience" is a nonsense phrase. It's stupid.If this was done "just because" I'd like to question the wisdom of spending money to change all the logos and promotional material, and re-do all the voice-overs and promotions. Scarce resources were spent on a stupid and pointless change for no reason? I don't believe it. This was done for a reason, and I'd like to know why it was done. If the motives were political, then it's a disgrace.
bilmar-1 This is a wonderful film of a time past when in the future nothing has if you love history, watch it. Angie Debo was a tireless researcher who did not understand why it is alright to take land that does not belong to you, become rich, and watch others die or become dependents to the state because you stole from them. Has it become too time-honored a tradition in America?The filmmaker, Martha Sandlin, does an excellent job of condensing very complicated material and bringing to life a woman who lived a full and energetic life.BUT IMDb, please!!!! You have the wrong picture for Indians, Outlaws and Angie Debo. PLEASE CORRECT IT!
MartinHafer As a retired history teacher, it's probably not all that surprising that I love this series--especially as I taught American history. However, my love of it is not just for the subject matter but because the show is exceptionally well made throughout--and brings to life many otherwise dull or forgotten events through history. Because of very high production values, the show is nearly always the best example on a given topic that you can find. In addition, although some bash PBS for leaning too far to the left, often I have noticed that the shows are very balanced and have a certain fondness for their subject--no matter the political persuasion. For example, the show seems just as enthusiastic in extolling the virtues of an FDR as well as a George H.W. Bush. All in all, consistently the best historical series on television--brilliant and enjoyable episode after episode.
jtf87 American Experience is a series that is so large and grand that it is nearly too difficult to describe in review form. For over twenty years, PBS has made dozens of documentary films for this series which are often the best that can be found. The topics covered are too great to elaborate on. From Roberto Clemente to Harry Truman to the great Johnstown Flood, American Experience gives the viewer a higher appreciation of our nation's past along with its many struggles and many triumphs. American Experience allows us to have a better understanding of what we as a people have been and what we represent to ourselves and the world.