
2014 "Single dad, no clue. Single mom, flying solo."
6.5| 1h57m| PG-13| en| More Info
Released: 23 May 2014 Released
Producted By: Happy Madison Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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Recently divorced mom Lauren and widowed dad Jim let their friends push them into a blind date, which goes disastrously wrong. Unsurprisingly, neither wants to see the other ever again. However, fate intervenes when both Jim and Lauren, unbeknownst to each other, purchase one-half of the same vacation package at a South African resort for families, during spring break. They and their children are forced to share the same romantic suite and participate in a slew of family activities together.


Comedy, Romance

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Frank Coraci

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Happy Madison Productions

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Blended Audience Reviews

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Cissy Évelyne It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
muvi-fan-73 Tone, Script & Story: Two families with single mother and single father come together after growing slightly apart as they visit Africa for their holiday.You will like it if you like happy endings where everything ends on a good note as the movie terminates. The movie in the run is engaging and entertaining. You will like it if you believe in how two or more imperfect entities get together and build something beautiful and perfect together.Direction, Screenplay, Cinematography: The movie is visual treat. The characters, the sub characters along with African flora and Fauna accompanied with holiday and its add-on's, simply win your heart.Music: Good along with accompanied 'funny' dance which complement the movie. Acting: Justified.Final Verdict: Happy ending where imperfect entities come together to form something perfect.
www_dot_tmcc What's wrong with the occasional feel- good movie? I think Adam Sandler shines when he's working with kids, and in these troubling times, I appreciate that he seems to be dedicated to making movies that have the general theme of "just have fun being a decent person." I respect him so much more now than I ever did during the SNL/Billy Madison/Happy Gilmore days.
bknb02 I really enjoyed this movie!! I think that Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore should make a movie every year together! This little jewel did not get the exposure that 50 1st dates got and I really enjoyed it, wish I had known about it sooner! I enjoyed it with Sonny Gomez! 😀🐶 Aka "Little Kujo" at Coffee Bean 😉
mark.waltz Surprisingly sweet if a bit overlong, "Blended" is a film I recall getting wretched reviews when it first came out, threatening to end one of my favorite modern day screen teams, Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. He's a widow with three daughters; She's a divorcée with two sons. Opposites, it seems, in every way, and in the very first scene, she's complaining to business partner Wendi McLendon-Covey that on their first date, Sandler took her to Hooters. But behind every assumption, there's truth, and it takes almost two hours for her to learn what a sweet guy he really is underneath, and it takes him that long to realize that she's a perfect match, not only as a mom to his motherless children (one of whom keeps a seat available for her mother's "spirit") but for his zany antics and zest for living life to the fullest.Drew and Wendi run a business called "Closet Queens" (organizing closets for busy wealthy matrons) and when Wendi's widowed boyfriend cancels their trip to Africa after they break up, Drew takes Wendi's ticket, and Adam ends up with the ex's ticket who just happens to be his boss. It's gruff at first sight for not only Drew and Adam when they run into each other, but for their children as well. Drew's two sons are quite neurotic due to their selfish father's absence in their life; The youngest son has tantrums because he can't hit a baseball, and the oldest son has a fetish for his nerdy looking baby sitter. Sandler's three daughters are rather strange cookies as well. The oldest is a seemingly tomboy whom people either assume is a boy or a lesbian, the middle is obsessed with dead mom, and the youngest has a fascination with making her voice sound like Mercedes McCambridge in "The Exorcist". So it's going to be an interesting trip to say the least, accompanied by a very vivacious African resort host who sings of their latest trials and tribulations as he witnesses Sandler and Barrymore's issues unfold.The beautiful African setting provides glimpses of the very Anglo guests mixing with nature and even gives a shot of two hippo's mating. Friendly elephants, a group of monkeys who know how to play musical instruments and two lions who appear to be mothering an orphaned hippo are among the few of the wild creatures who make appearances, as well as some very affectionate giraffes who show their love for human visitors to their habitat. This has only minimal amounts of the innocently crass comedy that Sandler has become well known for, but for the most part, those scenes are outrageously funny. Mary Pat Gleason scores in a cameo as a pharmacy cashier who makes funny observations about the tampons that Sandler is buying for his daughter and the girlie magazine that Barrymore has to replace for her neurotic son.As stated in my opening, my only real issue is that this goes on a bit too long, and the ending back in the states is a very traditional Hollywood style crowd-pleasing cliché. McLendon-Covey is rather balsy as Barrymore's friend, and at first. she's a little hard to take, but like most human beings, she shows multiple dimensions as you get to know her even though she's still more than just a little rough around the edges. "SNL" veteran Kevin Nealon is very funny as a middle aged dad with a much younger second wife who has no qualms about displaying his sexual energy around his rather insecure son (Zak Henri). Abdoulaye NGom also scores as the singing host whose comments are a welcome intrusion into the zany situations which occur.