We're No Animals

4.8| 1h34m| NA| en| More Info
Released: 03 October 2013 Released
Producted By: New Crime Productions
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A Hollywood actor grows tired of making the same corporate movies, so he moves to Argentina to find more experimental and meaningful work.


Drama, Comedy

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Alejandro Agresti

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New Crime Productions

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We're No Animals Audience Reviews

Develiker terrible... so disappointed.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Supelice Dreadfully Boring
Delight Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
alfredokardashian Why is the main photo for this movie on Netflix a photo of Al Pacino looking wasted when he's not even credited in the movie? Why is the movie listed as being made in 2013 but just released in 2017? Why are there so many references to Pacino in Alejandro Agrestri's IMDb profile? There are a lot of red herrings surrounding Al Pacino these days, and none of it seems to make sense, much like this movie. But look past the bullshit and maybe you can solve the puzzle. Lucila Sola aka Lucila Polak is Pacino's current girlfriend who claims to have been with him ten years (though there are references to many different lengths of their relationship in various articles online). However, her daughter, Camila Morrone, age 20, has a photo of herself on her Instagram (camimorrone) as a very young child sitting right next to Mr. Pacino on a movie set. Lucila Polak was born in 1976, according to a public records database search, but she has often been referenced as being born in 1979 and was first issued a Social Security number in 1995/1996. Her brother, however, who was a member of the California bar for a period of time starting in 2011, is not listed at all in the same public records database. John Cusack's character in this movie is a known celebrity and wears a black headband like Al Pacino. Look at the multiple Instagram accounts surrounding Cami Morrone and Al Pacino and there are multiple bizarre posts, some that seem to refer to parts of this movie (like sex with a woman that makes her pass out). And last, but definitely not least, there is a wealth of information on a website called ArgentinaPrivate regarding the Argentine escort scene, and one post lists the age of consent as being 13, according to Article 119 of the Argentine Penal Code. Just be warned, if you have even half a soul, this website might make you vomit.Much like that Crazy Days and Nights website (that may or may not even be run by the same person that started it originally) I'm just posting a few known facts and offering readers of this review the opportunity to try to make more sense out of this movie that doesn't seem to make much damn sense at all. Good luck.
pedrireso Was far much better the version I saw in the BAFICI festival, I miss that music and some scenes that are not there. This is now a kind of "making off" of what had far more sense and story, plus atmosphere. But, anyway, even if is not a real work of Agresti, and the Americans touched it like know all-know nothing typical spoiled, colonialist kids some are over there, I still I enjoy the freedom that exudes from the director's original. Hope Netflix could show us the original!!!
margaheyerdahal If a society avoids to face its own history, becomes a factory of stories in order to disguise facts. That we are living that in Argentina.But like in his film Buenos Aires Viceversa, Agresti denounces that in We are not Animales. Here he cleverly commits the "sin" of making fun of Story telling, Plot, and all the shebang, underscoring those elements in order discuss History from an apparently superficial set up. The second view of the film brought to my attention certain patterns that, late at night, the first time I was not ready to catch (Also because I was expecting a standard Cusack film). The film discusses Art and Politics on a way that I'm not sure that here we are ready to digest. To mention chronologically some structural points of this kaleidoscope: Concentration Camps, Aramburu, Evita, sons of assassinated people during the military, West Point Academy,Trelew, Do a Story need cameras?, freedom, It was a War or not?, Obama, Terrorism, Justice, Participation of US on Argentine Genocide, Faith and church, Generalization of US a Evil, What is culture?, Media manipulation, Do we have to tell our kids what happen, or better we let them grow free from the demons and resentments of a country in which we are all partly responsible of the mess? --The easygoing tone of the film, the courage to trash Story in favor of History, makes this an unique product, to be analyze more relaxed but deeply (also a strange combo?), than a normal movie. Probably Groucho Marx would had understood it much better, the other Marx too.
Xony When I first started watching this, I had my mind set to write a completely sarcastic review and summarize this as a tale of a man who once won a sizable amount of money on a popular game show while wearing his magical Wonder Woman wristbands, only to later in life be reduced to begging on GoFundMe for attorney retainer funds after being charged with methamphetamine possession following a Grindr hook-up gone wrong. But then something about this movie made me very sad, in a very deeply painful, aching kind of way. I can't completely explain it. Maybe if you have horrible attention deficit disorder like I do you'll sit through the whole thing while eating a large burrito. This movie might make you question your sanity, sort of like a psychopath or narcissist does when gaslighting a person, making them wonder what actually is reality.