
2020 "We were not here first"
5.8| 1h36m| R| en| More Info
Released: 01 August 2020 Released
Producted By: Mandeville Films
Country: United States of America
Budget: 0
Revenue: 0
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A chief mechanic at a factory, haunted by apocalyptic nightmares, becomes a hero when Earth is invaded by a mysterious army bent on destruction.

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Ben Young

Production Companies

Mandeville Films

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Extinction Audience Reviews

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
MonsterPerfect Good idea lost in the noise
pascotam This movie is alright to kill time in a boring night. That's a typical action movie thriller movie. However, after a week or two, there will be nothing left in my memory. It is just a bit too typical. The worst of all, I do not even find the aliens scary! Do you expect certain militants armed with assault rifles can kill a squad of aliens? Serious? And a woman can knock down an alien by a baton?
Saiph90 Usually I put a bit of effort into reviewing but the makers put little effort so I will I, I realised with an hour gone I had become more engrossed in my house hold accounts on my laptop than the film, a particular "lets go" shout made me realise the film was still on, a twist does not make a film.
wipwapwop The only thing i didn't like about this movie was the continious whining of the kids.
brendamedina-15472 No Aliens! Just humans and Robots. The movies discription is horribley inaccurate and misleading. Robots are living on earth while humans live in Mars. Now humans want earth back attacking robots.